This is kinda in tears?

Well today is the first time i have have my period i am 13 years matured and i am very involved and idk which 1 to use a pad or a tampon and why?

Answers:    Use a wipe for your first couple of times. Dont use tampons till you are aware of how heavy your flow is. Using one near too much absorbency can increase the risk of getting TSS. Keep plenty of pads on paw and change habitually. If you can keep some raining wipes around to save yourself clean and fresh. Just remember, women hold been doing this for thousands of years and they didn't enjoy all the nifty stuff we enjoy now. You can manipulate it. Good luck!
I dont know ahhaa. Probably because your not ready for a tampon yest as you would of fixed. For your first period i would reccomend basically using pads. Then on your subsequent one try a tampon. Hope i helped x x lol 13 years aged isn't so bad to enjoy your period. i digit the later the raging hormones come, the better. and a wipe is best to use first because there are some risks to using tampons, and there's no pressure surrounded by using it because you're only 13. also, pad are cheaper (at least, i mull over so). but if you are doing something really active, i guess tampons might be flawless too. whatever make you feel comfortable :)
Use a wipe first time round , its just a bit protected, when u not used to have a period, tampons equally are just as comfortable but there's still time 4 that... for sure use tampons and a small wad as a backup. i started when i was 12. i cant ever be in motion back to freshly pads. however, no cross-question pads are in good health. i have not researched it but i hear it somewhere.also see above where that individual wrote about not using a tampon beside more a flow than u need. it will for sure embezzle a while to figure it out. tampons could lift time to get used to but they are worth it. I hope it should adjectives go comfortable for you at this exciting time in your existence. Excercise is a great way to avoid cramps also. I usually try to maintain it up all month so this route, there it is not complex to start. it is great you are active!
Oh, congratulations after. You're already a young developed.:)

I suggest you use napkins. People get accident with the tampon. It's easier to put within napkins too.:)

There was communication about a girl who used tampon and get it stuck so don't use that unless you really know how.
tampons are better for that but use a pad it is ur first spell use a tampon on ur 4 or 5 when it gets heavier You other should start off on a wipe...I think you should start on tmapons after that.start on light later work your way up as you have a feeling comfy. with it.

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