Girls .. i own resembling a mucous coming out...? relief?
Answers: you are ovaluting which is common
it could be from having sex. Your body does it's pure cleansing. It means your ovulating or it could be semen but I hope you are using a condom. If you are after it coudl just be your vagina cleaning itself out. Its totally majority.
look im not a girl but i do know what that is its an yeast infection if your pregnant girl do capture a discharge like that to but for it a yeast infection a std sorry!! its totally normal and happen during ovulations (when you ar emost fertile) Dont listen to the yeast infection thing, it isnt.
girl thats are a female we hold all kind of stuff coming outta long as there is no odor or funny color you're well brought-up!! That's normal. It's simply your body cleaning itself out.
It will happen frequently - sex or not. It's regular discharge.
is discharge or, maybe your not ripened enough to be have sex... As long as there's no smell or funky color you're fine. Hormonal changes can bring you to emit more than usual, but it's completely everyday. You're probably just ovulating. Strange odors, colors or twinge and itching are reasons to wish professional help.
girl to be precise totally normal! ur probably going to enjoy ur period soon or ur only just ovaluting. it is a very typical entity to happen. if ur underwear is getting super soiled and damp and stained, try to wear a pantiliner. its better than buyin new undies everyday.