Nausea, tiredness... women solely...?
Lately i have be getting bad nausea surrounded by the afternoons but i dont throw up (i can be sitting there and adjectives of a sudden it feels resembling im gonna throw up and have to lay down for roughly 15 minutes)... also by around 6pm i am exhausted and just want to sleep... my extent is about 2 weeks away and i hold been getting little extent like pains and sore boobs during the daylight which isnt normal for me... Have be getting lightheadedness also...
I have be having bladder problems (bladder feel like its full when it isnt and problems empty my bladder) and am going to get an ultrasound on Tuesday... I am on the pill Yasmin and own been for 8 months... i get a blood pregnancy test ending month as i had a strange extra light term and pregnancy symptoms but it came subsidise negative..
Does anyone know what this is or could be?
Answers: adjectives women are different and they may change as they grow elder. it might be the sideaffects of the birth control. you might be stressed out just lug a day sour and tend to yourself. i really hope you feel better.
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