Is something wrong next to me I haven't took a dump surrounded by 2 weeks?

Answers:    Take lax. If tha doesn't work the yea see a doc ASAP!
eat fiber or wheat products See doc asap. your intestine might be twisted, preventing you from using restroom.
yes. you should see a doctor.
but surrounded by the mean time drink prune liquid. It's "taken." Has it impacted your English skills?
Wow you are hurtin' bad dude. Go immediately and get some laxatives and hail as or go to your doctor ASAP. see your doc.what he tells you will startle the crap outta ya.
Uh, yeah. You're CONSTIPATED. Do an enema and eat more fiber. If the problem returns, see a doctor. Eat a pack of dried prunes.
you might be in overflowing ,drink plenty of water! fiber and perchance a lite laxative if no help aim dr I would let you contained by on a little not to be mentioned. Join the club. it's a little entry called Gerd. The acids contained by your body is not acting properly so most of your food is sitting in your chest yearning will cause you horrifying heart burn majority of the time with a moment ago about everything that you chomp through. You need to budge get checked out by your doctor. In the mingy time. change your diet munch through plenty of vegetables it helps and I other buy Apple Cranberry juice or delicious juicy. it help to get the bowels to going. Now as horrible and cruel as this may sound progress and find some baking soda. put a teaspoon of it in a partially of glass of eight ounces of hose and drink it down fast do that. That should relief you right away. Meanwhile change your diet. Please I own to do the exact same thing. Sorry you own to go through this. Oh and I also hear that vinegar works apple vinegar or white. take a teaspoon of that if you can. :)
Yes at hand is something wrong. If you have be eating anything that have fiber in it you should own had a BM .
You inevitability more fiber in your diet. Yes, ur full of shi--!
Yes Why is this within women's health?
umm u should jump to a doctor that happened to my cousin
he get REALLY bad cramps surrounded by his stomic at first he thought i was similar to gas pains called home end in of how bad they be went to a doctor turns out because he be like clogged adjectives up in in attendance it almost like back up into his system or as my parents explained it as it exploding xD doing so it would go into ur stoMic and such poisoning ur system and massacre u
no. your fine. btw call guiness.

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