How can a 50 year feeble woman lose 30 lbs? she's be exercising surrounded by dieting, but zilch works. suggestions?

so my mom is 30 lbs overweight and has been trying to lose it for yesteryear few months. she hasn't seen ANY decrease at adjectives in her weight. she started going to the gym almost 3 months ago and has been going 3 - 6 days a week. i'm not sure what she's be doing about her diet, but she says she increased her vegetable intake and decrease carbs and fats. from what i've observed, i think she eat lots of sugar, from fruits, dried fruits and she still eats sweets possibly once or twice a week. i also observed that she eats smaller amount during the day (at work) and eats a bigger dinner. i tried to procure her to change that but she just doesn't listen. could that really enjoy an effect on her weightloss? how could she have not lost a single pound since she started working out? what are some ways she can increase her metabolism? any other suggestions to help?

Answers:    After the age of 30, your metabolism slows down, which make it harder to lose weight.PLEASE tell her to not get through after 6 pm, because that is when the metabolism and digestion is really slow. She would have to cut-off date sugar intake, no starch, and snack on FRESH fruits during the day. Remember, any snack over 150 calories is not a good snack. Dried friut hold alot of sugar in them. Sugar equals calories! Also limit red meat. She should try white meat, fish, steamed vegetables, and Splenda to sweeten her coffee, or any other food. She desires to make sure that she exercises for 30 minutes each afternoon, preferably cardio (like a treadmill) to raise her heart rate. The higher the heart rate, the more calories are burned. Do this and I am sure that she would at smallest lose 5 pounds in two weeks.

Good Luck! :).
Some people approaching myself just can't handle any quality of excess carbs, regardless of the total calorie count. If she is exercising, then her carb count is the problem. Dried fruits are terrible. Just give attention to of the difference in eating 300 grapes and 300 raisins. You could down 300 raisins comfortable, but with any dried fruit you can easily devour too much There are about a million products and diets out that claim to produce results. The ONLY diet left that doctors recommend is Weight Watchers. I own seen the results it produces. My ex wife lost 50 pounds on it. It's extremely healthy, and it does produce results. Healthy solidity loss should not exceed 2-4 pounds a week. Losing weight is not all give or take a few how fast you lose it. It doesn't help you if you're living an weak lifestyle to lose weight..
the answer is caffeine. you heard me, if you chew caffeine gum or anything near the chemical in it. it lessens blood flow to the stomach(makes you cogitate that your not hungry). raises the metabolism(burns calories and fat fast) and at impossible to tell apart time it raises dopamine levels which make you feel happy. hold on to on exercising and eating well. It sounds approaching genetics just resembling big boxers who work out every day but still have for a while gut and perform well within the ring. just like george foreman.
you can carry pills that increase metabolism and some that reduce your appetite, they can help like mad in losing weight notify her to go on low carb diet i lost 30 pounds in 2 months on low carb diet 0-20 carbs put in the picture her to go low carb diet.
Be it ever so humble, there's no shape like your own. Be sunny there is no one within this world with the talents lone she possesses talk to your doctor and ask them to send you to a nutritionist . they will lend a hand you come up with a meal plan specifically best for your age and body needs. Being that you are 50 you will need to increase the amount of calcium you are taking surrounded by to your body to 1200 mg to prevent brittle bones.

the meal plans will help you label sure you are getting everything you need and also help cut out what you don't want

if you have a ymca near they enjoy gym memberships with trainers to help you accomplish your weight loss goals.

you can lose that 30 no situation your age best of luck and send us some after pictures so we can see your new look 30 pounds lighter.

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