Should I give somebody a lift the morning after pill?
Answers: Yes - but then don't hold sex again until you speak with your doctor around your antibiotic and if it's interfering with your birth control. If your doctor tell you that it makes the birth control smaller number effective, product sure to use a backup method at least the subsequent few times you have sex, or doesn`t matter what your doctor recommends. If you aren't competent to speak to a doctor about it, you can Google the label of your antibiotic to find out if there is any interaction beside your birth control. If not, you should be fine!
i don see any use in it i wouldnt if i be you take the morning after pill for precaution. anti biotics effect the efficacy of the pill your taking. your docotor should have told you that.
if your underneath 21 its usually free, or you can get it free from your docotors. other astute its 25 - 35 squideroos.
I think the morning after pill is pretty much of late a high dose of your typical birth control pill so i dont deduce taking it would help.
I don`t know you should start using a condom until you are off your antibiotics.
You inevitability to check with the doctor or pharmacist, because the morning after pill is a elevated dose of birth control hormones, and there might be a problem taking it because you are already taking those hormones. Your antibiotic could affect the usefulness of your birth control, but that's not a certainty. Just call for your doctor and talk to her. And from presently on, use a back-up method of birth control if you're taking an antibiotic. Until your boyfriend becomes your husband you should not be have intercourse with him.
What would you do if you enjoy an unplanned pregnancy?
Murder your unborn child?
Go through a pregnancy and then adopt your toddler to strangers?
Change and probably ruin your whole vivacity by becoming a single parent minor?
Since you did not consult your physician beforehand, you have demonstrated undeveloped decision making. You are markedly not ready to be adjectives in intercourse at this time and should remain abstinent until you are married.
i know this sounds crazy but why would you hold sex knowing the risk. You have an infection to switch on with and should be waiting to hold sex anyway. If you thought that dealing with a UTI be bad ... i am not gist to be sarcastic but be responsible near your body.