Is it a sin to masterbate, i am jewish?

I know it is a sin to masterate in christianity but is it a sin in judisim?

Depo Question?

I don't enjoy anything to say about Jewish theology on this interrogate, but I can share some survey results that suggest that Jews are unlikely to believe that masturbation is a sin.

According to preliminary results of a survey of more than 3000 females by the web site in 2007-08, these are the average values of a press about guilt concerning masturbation, by religion. A low value indicates seriously of guilt about masturbating, and a high utility indicates low guilt. Note that the Jewish value is higher (i.e., Jewish females consistency less guilty about masturbating) than adjectives of the other religious groups, except other religions and not religious.

Catholic, 3.8, Number of respondents=549
Baptist, 3.5 , N=198
Pentecostal, 3.4, N=55
Other Protestant, 3.7, N=288
LDS, 3.2 , N=25
Non-denominational Christian, 3.7, N=231
Other Christian, 3.5 , N=264
Jewish, 3.9 , N=55
Muslim, 3, N=63
Buddhist, 3.5 , N=41
Hindu, 3.7 , N=53
Sikh, 2.8 , N=10
Other religions, 4.1 , N=172
Not religious, 4.1 , N=966

Another question in this survey asks more or less embarrassment about masturbation. Jewish females are the least possible embarrassed of all the religious groups included, except for "Other religions."

Among males, according to another survey by, Jews masturbate more than any other religious group and get the impression less guilt or embarrassment roughly it.

Happy Passover!

Is it pg or stress?

The only stuff about masturbation within the Bible is the story of Onan---and arguably, that wasn't about masturbation at all, it be about fulfilling your "marital duties." So unless you're masturbating so that you won't know how to have sex with your contemporary wife, don't worry about it.

Really, Judaism is relatively sex-positive. Sex is a mitzvah; I don't know why masturbation would be on the bad list, especially for shake-up Jews.

But, hey, ask your Rabbi. He'll have heard it in the past.

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hey! who cares, if you can live with the 'so call guilt' just go for it. It is not a sin, freshly pleasure. it is not a sin to enjoy yourself.

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If you think of it as such, afterwards maybe it is.

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it is not a sin in any religion. you enjoy no clue what you are talking about.

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it shouldnt be a sin
its exploring ones body
&& thats comes completely raw

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no matter what is not

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not 2 be rude but shouldn't u know. if u know about Christians, shouldn't u know around your own religion?
i don't see a problem with it but I'm not Jewish so i don't know if it is a sin

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