Have i started and do i can i wear a tampon???

i thought i started my period yesterday for the first time and there be blood (barley any though) but the past 2 days there's been none, but today nearby was barely any! and today i'm going tubing on the boat and swimming and there's no bathrooms and i necessitate to know if i can wear a tampon just in travel case without getting TSS. HELP!

Answers:    Tampons are not advised for use by anyone, not basically because of TSS but because of the plethora of other health-risks associated with tampon use. Tampons prevent normal vaginal cleaning, offer bacteria the perfect place to multiply, give fibres in the vaginal walls, engage vaginal fluids and cause vaginal splitting, commercial tampons also have secondary risks due to their being made from synthetic materials, and containing chemicals, additives and bleaches.

The risks are not just TSS, the risks also include vaginal infections, vaginal splitting, vaginal ulceration, vaginal irritation, increased menstrual flow, increased menstrual cramps, and tampons hold been linked to illnesses such as endometriosis and cancer, making tampons the most harmful and only options to hold killed out of over twenty different menstrual options. The risks are increased further within young women because the walls of your vagina are more delicate so more prone to desecrate, and your immune system isn’t as strong as in adult women so you are at greater risk of TSS. TSS is bloody but no where near as dying out as is made out by statistics, it is also a greater risk with tampons because of the way within which they are manufactured, and it remains a harmful illness to be exact best avoided – why risk TSS and other tampon-related health problems when there are better option around that are safer and cleaner than tampons?

Tampons would also pose a greater risk to you if you are not fully menstruating, this is because tampons do not just absorb menstrual fluid but also vaginal fluids, those fluids are portion of your vaginas natural cleaning functions, flushing out dead cell and excess bacteria, which tampons prevent. Those vaginal fluids are also there to protect the walls of your vagina – have an idea that of the walls of your vagina as like your skin, only in need the top protecting layers of skin cells, the walls of your vagina want that moister to protect it from harmful bacteria and chemicals it is also in that to keep it moist so it does not get diluted. Using tampons when your menstrual flow is light, when not menstruating or at night, system the tampons absorb more vaginal fluid as there is smaller quantity blood for them to absorb, the result is more chance of irritation, splitting and ulceration – these cannot be notice but do increased menstrual flow, menstrual cramps and significantly increase risk of infection (giving bacteria somewhere to multiply) and TSS (give direct route for toxins to bloodstream).

Tampon health pattern sites;

You don’t need to use tampons, if going swimming and there are no bathrooms later tampons aren’t a great choice anyway as tampons need to be changed every few hours, they can leak profoundly, they absorb pool water, they can end in cramping and they have a string showing on the outside of your body. Menstrual cups or Softcups would be a much better choice - trust me, they are FAR better than tampons! Plus if you try them and don't like them most menstrual cup brands will pass you all your money back, so you hold nothing to loose!

Menstrual cups are bell-shaped sups made from either medical position silicone (such as Divacup) or natural gum rubber (such as Keeper), these are folded and inserted into your vagina to sit a little lower than where on earth a tampon would in your vagina. The menstrual cup is then gone in place for up to 12 hours, removed, emptied, cleaned and reinserted. These are much cleaner, safer, cheaper, greener, more convenient and more comfortable than tampons, or contained by deed most other menstrual options.

More information;

Menstrual cups are much safer and cleaner than tampons, they don’t contain any deadly ingredients and allow your vagina to carry on as normal, and as such they hold no health risks what-so-ever. Menstrual cups can be worn safely for up to 12 hours at a time in need any leaking, and so this makes them best for things such as swimming as they don’t absorb pool water any. Another advantage is that menstrual cups can be worn when you are not menstruating, because they don’t absorb vaginal fluids they don’t pose a risk if you wear them when not menstruating or during a pallid menstrual flow. They are also easier and more comfortable to use, being as they can be left contained by for so long it makes them more convenient, they can also be worn to bed, worn regardless of how heavy or flimsy you are, and you never need to worry give or take a few disposal or carrying spares.

Softcups are a similar idea to menstrual cups but they are made from soft plastics and diaphragm-shaped meaning that they sit up subsequent to your cervix higher in your vagina. They too are inserted, consequently left in place for up to 12 hours, removed, empty, and either disposed of or cleaned and reinserted. Many girls and women prefer these because they are disposable so they may feel more comfortable beside them, but some women find them easier to use, and whether they like them or not many women will switch from Softcups to menstrual cups instead. These enjoy the same advantages as menstrual cups.


Softcups would be easier for you to buy, [I’m assuming you live in the US] contained by the US most pharmacy chains carry them, but if interested in menstrual cups these can sometimes be found within health stores – Divacup http://www.divacup.com is easier to get a hold of contained by the US, but I would personally recommend Ladycup http://www.ladycup.com as these are smaller and softer so easier for first-time users.

If you do really want to use tampons then you awkwardly CANNOT wear them for this, if your not experiencing a heavy flow using a tampon, no matter how small absorbency, will put you at heightened risk because as explained it will involve vaginal fluids that may lead to increased risk of infections, irritation, menstrual problems, and TSS. If you want to use tampons only use them when you enjoy a full menstrual flow, always use the lowest absorbency possible, never leave tampons within for longer than 6 hours, and don’t use tampons when you go to bed. I would also advise if you do ever use tampons at lowest possible use safer options such as organic tampons such as Cottons http://www.cottons.com.au sponge tampons such as Jade & Pearl, soft tampons such as Gynotex or cloth tampons – this is because these aren’t made from unfavourable synthetics and don’t contain chemicals, additives or bleaches, thus reducing the risk of tampon use..
My god people are idiots!!

Please ignore the ethnic group telling you that yes you can use tampons, sure physically you can insert a dry wad of chemical and bleach soaked rayon into your moist fastidious vagina if you want but tampons are a big enough risk as it is without making those risks greater by using a tampon when you don’t hold a regular menstrual flow. Whether you would notice or not if you were to use a tampon it would irritate and split the walls of your vagina principal to a greatly increased risk of infection and TSS.
When it comes to TSS people purposefully risk getting the disease because they don’t think it is a authentic risk, it god damn is, and far from the only risk known to be cause by tampons – bare in mind too, tampon manufacturer use synthetic materials and chemicals knowing that they risk women’s health!
Honey, really, tampons are not safe or hygienic, they are also expensive, inconvenient, humiliated, and bad for the environment…we in the form world have a saying ‘friends don’t agree to friends use tampons’ – get yourself a menstrual cup instead, personally I’d progress for miacup just because it’s bright pink ^_^ http://www.miacup.co.za/
TSS is always a risk near tampons, the risk is increased if using certain types of tampons, the longer you use them, using higher absorbencies, using them when not menstruating, using them when asleep, and using them when you are within your teens/pre-teens. It’s always a risk and not the only risk, I cannot believe here are girls here telling you that it is okay to use tampons, it is never safe to use tampons lowest of all when you are young and not menstruating. I agree near Faith, use cups instead they are far safer and a lot better in every process than tampons. I have a mooncup http://www.mooncup.co.uk after years of using tampons, having them slick and cause me constant infections, and after seeing my friend suffer from TSS, menstrual cups were a life-saver for me, they are so fantastic I still love using them even years subsequently. ah yeah my first period was unusual, really light, irregular bleeds and basically it be nothing then close to 3 weeks later it was more usual. wear the lightest size tampon possible and dont wear it for too long, you wont get TSS dont worry thats so uncommon and was only notice years ago because women would wear tampons for whole days and stuff.
baby ur hormones are still adjust do not worry u still young and they will start appearing on a regular argument....its very normal so do not verbs ok and plus do not use tampons they not safe for starters cause ur blood not that starchy so for now stick to pads. ok
ALL THE BEST You can as long as it won't be within longer than 6 hours.

If you feel you will have your extent, bring some tampons in a waterproof purse with some tissues..
Yes, start with a junior size and carrry some extra ones and metamorphosis them frequently as it says on the package. yes u can sunshine... dont verbs... it cud have been adjectives the before effect that you have be getting but i wud weara tampon just incase... hope i helped.
Your exactally the smae as me ! wear a tampon yes ! =] biddable luck

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