Yeast infetion??

i've had a yeast infection until that time and im getting the same discharge (like cottage cheese) but i own sort of a split or a sore red spot between my vagina and bum, that hurst when i pee is this normal? iv never have intercourse.

Answers:    Only a doctor can tell for sure if you own a yeast infection by taking a swab and run some tests. Most of us can sometimes relay by the feel, look, and smell that you own a yeast infection. If your symptoms don't match this enumerate, or you are confused or uncertain, budge see your doctor if at all possible.

It feel like an intense itching, burning sensation, localized contained by your vagina and vulva. This itching is not always present, but can attain really bad, so unpromising you can hardly step, let alone sit still or concentrate on anything.

It looks close to clumpy white stuff. Most medical descriptions compare the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can range from gluey and not clumpy to faintly wan to thin and clear.

It smells close to bread or beer. In fact, it smells pretty much exactly similar to yeast.

There are other types of infections that can sometimes infect your vagina and vulva and it's helpful to know the symptoms of adjectives of them so you can be really sure before you budge treat yourself for a yeast infection you might not have.

A bacterial infection of the vagina can grain a lot close to a yeast infection if the vulval area is itchy or scratchy. Unlike a yeast infection, the discharge can be dark sickly, green, or brown and it won't smell like bread, it can smell similar to fish or something rotting. If you think you might own a bacterial infection, or if you're not sure, get I would recommend going to see your doctor as this have to be treated with prescription antibiotics.

Urinary tract infections (UTI's) are due to germs infecting the urethra rather than the vagina. UTI's can be rather easily distinguished from vaginal infections by a host of symptoms, including dull pain or burning when urinating, blood or mucus in urine, need to urinate often, cramp or pressure in put money on or lower abdomen and a hallucination or chills. If you think you might hold a UTI, don't delay, stir see your doctor, because the infection can travel up past the bladder, cause kidney damage.

Another type of infection call trichomoniasis is caused by a parasite that can infect both the vagina and the urinary tract, and is primarily sexually transmitted. If you enjoy a trichomoniasis infection, your vagina can be itchy or painful, it can hurt to urinate, intercourse can be prickly, and occasionally you can experience pain within your lower abdomen. Again, you own to see a doctor to get antibiotics to treat this.

I would recommend you see your doctor simply to rule out any other infections and to get a proper diagnosis and proper treatment.

Good luck :)
First of adjectives get to a doctor and capture some blood tests. Are you over freight? Be sure to have a blood audition you may be diabetic. It could be yeast...a bad yeast infection, but sounds more close to one of the other STDs.esp Trich. Go to one of the free health dept or clinics for a check and they will bequeath you the appropriate treatment after doing a wet prep (a interview of the discharge).
the obvious piece you should do is see your doctor. yeast infections are nothing to be laugh at. they are very serious infections, that can travel throughout the body. in that is obviously some item more wrong with you. this isn't something that you own to think over, this is something that you must do a.s.a.p honest luck Go see your doctor.

You probably need antibiotics.
Yes its from the irritation you have need of to get drug so you it doesn't turn into a staph infection(very bad)or something else Do not use any kind of diaper impetuous medicine as that will not allow nouns to reach the skin and brand name the yeast grow more You can use some bacitracin or neospryn to keep it from getting infected and consequently get some Witch Hazel and put it surrounded by a squirt bottle to use after you pee instead of wiping only squirt yourself down there to hang on to clean and meekly pat dry with a towel reapply the antibacterial if mandatory. Go to the doctor on Monday and get it checked out and transmit her what you have be treating it with and she will probably provide you some stronger medicine. If at adjectives possible while you are at home dont wear underwear so the air get at it. I know its so uncomfortable but it will not ending forever MAKE sure you go to the doctor yes you hold an infection of some kind so i would turn to the doc asap and you need to take care something is giving you the infection the sooner you figure out the effect the quicker you can cure it drink lots of water and try to use something approaching baby powder to serve the sores until you see a doc PLEASE SEE ONE SOON!

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