Ladies can you please shed some hurricane lantern on this particular issue?

I stayed at my girlfriends last dark and during intercourse she suggested i slap her and treat her like a dog.Anyway i slightly enjoyed this until she started howling and when she asked me to yap at point of ejaculation i had to send regrets.I then woke up within the middle of the night and caught her beside a leather collar round her neck, she be on all fours and drinking ginger juice out of a bowl on the floor.It afterwards dawned on me that every pic and wall limp in her apartment is of breeds of poodles. so my request for information is...

is this a normal fetish or is she taking things to far.

Answers:    Puts a investigational meaning to doggy style, that's for sure!

I contemplate after reading this, being the owner of a poodle, I will be doing it gerbil style from presently on.
sounds like its a outstandingly strong fetish but i personally own no fetishes chat to her baout it and ask when she started wanting this and tell her what you dont discern comfortable about beside it but also say what you do resembling about it appropriate luck x only if you rnt comfortable next to it then shes taking it to far
but to me, thats kinda creepy...
have an idea that she going over the top a bit I can feel your aching, since I know you are a cat person, not a dog human being.

The fact that you ejaculate at all though proves that it wasn't too upsetting for you, so you must ask yourself if her yelp was worse than her bite, and if you really brand of liked it after adjectives.

My advice is RUN if she wishes you to get a curly poodle-like hackle perm, and make sure she's have her shots.
I wouldn't say that it's everyday... but uh... at least it's not hurting anyone! Lol. But it sounds approaching a very strong fetish that requirements someone with a fetish to game. As for a fetish? She is falling right in flash there. The item I would wonder is this...when you showed up and went surrounded by inside last darkness; 'is there a dog fasten leading up to the door and a big ole relinquish dog house awaitin in the side corner of the lot'? I wouldn't run that far, if I were you!
Can't you population have majority sex?

Hey.go engender love, stop having sex!

Wil L It may be istsy bitsy but it sure does formulate its rounds I love that fact she take plenty of vitamin C...this shows she is not completely bonkers

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