Anyone have a laparoscopy just now?! requirement reassurance please!!?

i am due to go into hospital this week to own a laparoscopy to see if they can find any reason for my hurting periods and the reality that we have be ttc for over two years and have individual got pregnant twice (i mournfully lost both babies very rash on). thing is i am scared out of your wits of going in to hospital and human being knocked out by nonspecific anesthetic!! i am generally glowing and not overweight - should i be worried about this procedure?! what are the probability of something going wrong? i think they will enjoy to hold me down to get the syringe in me to knock me out - i am almost have panic attacks thinking in the order of it even though i keep describing myself it will be ok. any reassurance or advice or info would be gratefully received! thankfulness!

Answers:    Think of the outcome not what you are having done! I work within a hospital and see very plentiful people every daytime. Generally people attain themselves worked up over nothing. I can update you that very seldom do complications of any major sort happen. I'm also a tolerant and have be "put under" recently and it adjectives went fine again!(for approaching the 10th time) Good luck with your procedure, it will be ok! :)
Discuss your apprehension beside the physician prior to your procedure.
If you have a horror of needles, they could put you under next to gas.
I've had four laproscopic procedures and respectively went extremely well, near little to no pain. And, the uplifting process was vastly short, as compared to a typical operation.
Your fears are normal but you own little to worry nearly.
Keep a positive thought and a prayer or two wouldn't hurt either.
Good luck.
you can hold this procedure performed whilst you are awake. My Mum did!

All they do, is enjoy a look around at your cervix etc to see if anything looks out of character.

they insert dye, along beside a camera and if there are any cancerous cell they can be lasered away.

Please try not be worried, this procedure is not as scary as it sounds.

Good luck, and I hope you recieve suitable news.x

((am i thinking more or less something else that sounds like ''laparoscopy'' )) - The question paper thats done straight after an abnormal smear??!!

After my Mams procedure she have to have an op to see how far cancer have spread and she was put to sleep for this.

Either bearing, you will be fine hun. x
i got the laparoscopy surgery done later year. Its basically a within and out thing, they kncoked me out. it be the best sleep iv ever had lol. Youll be find tho! There not a illustrious chance of anything going wrong. i be scared to because i never get surgery dont beforelol. But i hope the find whats wrong good luck . and you will be fine honey I have one last year and be TERRIFIED! No need to verbs tho. You will have a small (almost) painless injection which they convey you will relax you, then they do the procedure. The drug they administer you is related to the date-rape drug and believe me you won't remember a thing. Make sure someone is next to you when you leave as I can't remember going home any! Good luck and please don't be scared, you'll be ok.
i hold had something similar to that... they did it to check how far the cancer have spread in my body... You own really nothing to be afraid of.. They are goin to put you out and youll be wakin up contained by recovery within no time.. its a really simple procedure and although you will be sore you should be ok... i was afraid of surgery to the best item for you to do is surround yourself with family circle and family since and after it makes you grain better.. and if you are a religious person consequently pray about it... I have a laparosopy a few months ago. What they will do is lay you down and put you under nonspecific anestisia so you will be completely out. You will have a breathing tube down your throat. When you stir up its over. What they do is make a tiny slit within your abdomin (you can barely see it) and swarm your tummy up with a gas. They turn out around for abnormalties such as endometriosis and cysts. They can tell abundantly from a lap. You will rouse up your throat will feel for a while scratchy and your voice will be hoarse. Other than that you should be fine and in reclamation for a couple hours. Its not a big deal. With my nouns they also tied my tubes which required more recovery time but it be no big deal at adjectives for me. Trust me, you will be fine and hopefully releived to find out what the dr. says. Good luck. ALso, after the nouns you will feel some gas pains throughout your upper body. That is the gas rising and dissapating. You will levy that for a few days after. That is completely normal. GOod luck next to everything!!
For various medical reason I`ve been put 'under'.
I too own had a laparoscopy for adjectives the same reason you are getting one as well! There is nought to that.
As for being put`s good!
The most cheek wracking time is pre-procedure, when they make you skulk, I`ve been thru it lots of times! Before your actual Laparoscopy, they will prepare you for surgery, adjectives the medical checking and then put an IV surrounded by (if you`ve had blood taken or a shot within your lifetime, this needle 'pinch' is no different). If you are really freaked out, they can even hand over you something (thru IV line) to help unflustered you.
When they put you 'under', they tell you to count or something stupid, but it`s a great reaction to drift off..and when you wake up it`s all apposite!
Remember, this might be new to you, but your anesthetist have done this a million times already.
So don`t be afraid of the anesthesia, just concentrate on the positives, getting your problems checked out and taken effort of!
It` nothing to verbs about, honestly, and the biddable outweigh any nerves, since you get to draw from to the bottom of your problems!
Best wishes on future pregnancies!
(Everything entry say above mine was exactly same next to me..)
Sorry about the miscarriages. My cousin have 3 and then beside some bedrest she had the most gorgeous newborn boy. Two years later she have twins! Be patient and hold faith, it will come up.
About the surgery. I attended a laparoscopic surgery (in the operating room). They were removing a gallbladder due to stones. The incision (cut) be minimal, They put in a camera and be looking at the monitor. They sent the guy home the same evening!!
Laparoscopy would be my first choice. Do you deduce learning something like it would make you get the impression more comfortable?
Also remember you don't HAVE to do it, it's your choice, you can change your mind any time. That help me when I had surgery.
I'm assuming you've already tried smaller number invasive methods such as MRI and utlrasound to scan for possible problems. Do they want to take a biopsy? I hear uterine fibroids (benign tumors) are a common end in of painful period. Good luck with the laparoscopy and near the baby
I've see a few laparoscopies for this exact reason and they've adjectives gone completely smoothly.

A laparoscopy (sometimes referred to as "keyhole surgery") is when a few small incisions are made (up to 3) and a camera is put into the hole through a small tube. Then they put a bit of air within to make things spread out a bit and consequently they explore around.

The procedure is very nontoxic, although there are some risks, which your doctor will own gone over with you (bleeding and infection, as near any operation, as well as perforation, or deeply accidentally punching through your bowel, which would need trunk surgery to fix), however, these are very singular and I've yet to hold met a surgeon who has accidentally perforate anyone during a laparoscopy!

A general anaesthetic really is similar to going to sleep; you just be aware of a wave of tiredness travel over you and the next article you know is you're back on the ward awake. As you're fit and able-bodied, there's no reason to presume you'll not be fine.

Best of luck for the operation and I hope everything turns out well! (I'll threat a guess it's endometriosus)

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