What can I do to lend a hand?
My period use to be regular, immediately it is jumps around.
My frontage breaks out around the edges.
I have alarming cramps. They start 3 or 4 days before my time and lst untill I amcompletely through my period.
What can I do?
I am not havin sex, but I own heard that birth control can comfort with everythin else.
Are in attendance any other choices I can try first?
Answers: birth control CAN help. here are certain pills which are particular for being right for acne relief (trinessa, a couple others) and some. they adjectives help regulate your time of year and most of them help relieve cramps, too. some of them (not all) can give a hand with moodswings- others can produce moodiness worse.
do a little research and ask your doctor- i guess it could really help! in that are lots of girls who are the pill who aren't having sex- surrounded by fact, it's adjectives enough that closely of people won't assume you're sexually moving just because you're on it.
use proactive 4 pimples nuse a tampon for blood a duhhhfertuderrrrrrs!! enduring birth control pills can help label your periods more regular, you call for to talk to your doc or gyno. As for the cramping I find that have an orgasm helps greatly. Totally inherent too.