My term every 2 months, is this serious?

I'm 16, i got my time of year when i was 12 i use to bring back it every month and now i achieve it every 2 months . when people usually gain it once a month. And I want to know will that led to infertility problems within the future? will i know how to have kids. Should I see a doctor? if i do see a doctor what will they make available me. Is this a serious problem? Since I'm seeing people adage they get their term an even longer time than mine.

Answers:    Yeah. If you have have it for 4 years and it is no longer monthly (or close to it) then you should see a doctor.
i own the same problem. Im also freaked out. I remember my sister have period problems and go to the doctor. She got a pill. I know the side effect be bigger boobs, lol. I hope i helped! at your age this is regular.. if you have gain weight.. that can grounds it. If you are more athletic.. that can cause it. are you stressed beside your life.. that can incentive it! theres soo many factor to look at. But the more you worry in the region of it.. the worse it will get. If you muse there is a problem ask your doctor.. but my vote is its ordinary.
i would see a doctor I'm 15 and I only get hold of it every 3 months. I asked recently when I be at the doceter and they said if you are ove 16 and it is isn't regular then they entail to look into it.

So you might want to see a docter.
dont listen to everyboby else go see a doctor .dont be panicky.putting it off could put you surrounded by danger its probably nil serious, are you sexually active? i don't surmise its abnormal because period do vary a great deal in these years, infact they are almost irregular till your 20s. your body's still varying. i'm 16 as well and mines are not other regular. seriously don't worry.
I have the same sort of problem but worse. I get my period when I be 12, and was irregular from that point on, I once go five months without a length, it's not a big deal unless you are sexually stirring, then it would be not easy to know how to look for signs of pregnancy, if there is no term to miss. I went to my doctor and she put me on a low-dose birth control pill to regulate myself, it be only for three months and it worked! So perchance you should ask your doctor. But honestly, the more you worry more or less it, the worse it will be, Our minds have a better effect on our bodies than we realize. As far as fertility problems go, you shouldn't even verbs about that! There are so lots options, science have come a long way. Do't verbs! Hope this helped. I hold a similar problem. It's best to see a doctor so you can have a piece of mind. It might be zilch or your hormones might be screwed up. Your doc might put you on the pill to normalize your cycle. Good Luck !

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