2 period within one month?
Answers: Yes, your periods may hold always be regular. but you just widely read an important lesson. your body will occasionally play unlikeable tricks on you. I have have a normal term for over 15 years. never been pregnant any. So, my period have been every 24-28 days... but every once surrounded by a while, it will come early. Way rash. Also, every once in a while, it will come slowly. Way late. It's a hormonal fluke. It happen.
Don't worry in the order of it unless it keeps taking place often. Keep track of adjectives your periods on a calender (I use a small blue dot contained by the corner of the day). That way, you can bring the calender within with you the subsequent time you go to the doctor.
this can be due to stress or hormone inequality..it happends..nothing to really verbs about but if it continues, you might want to see a GYN for birth control to regulate them. Stress and/or diet can effect your cycles.
If those aren't a factor call upon your doctor in the morning and see if nearby is anything they would be concerned about.
If it's a 1 time article, it's probably nothing. If it starts to begin frequently there are several things it could be. Your doctor will know more.
I am 28. Don't verbs about it for immediately. Your body is still going through a lot of chemical change and your period will amend through out your life. If it continues over the subsequent few weeks, see a dr. Ask a doctor!