Can you enjoy trouble trying for a infant if you stay on The Pill for too long?

How long is a safe time to be on The Pill if you want to own babies in the adjectives?

Can it mess with your kid making organs/hormones permanantley after a while or not?

Answers:    There should be no long term effects from birth control pills. A lot of time doctors put women on the pill to regulate mestrual cycles and give a hand them be able to catch pregnant. Once you stop the pill, it can take up to a year for your body to adjust to not have the pill in your system. This is something you should articulate over with your doctor should you resolve that it's time to start a family. If you have no problems with your period before you started the pill, you shouldn't enjoy any problems once you stop taking them.

Good Luck!
It shouldnt cause more trouble no situation how long you take it Honestly as soon as you stop taking it your likelihood will go up to getting pregnant immeditately. The pill is taken for frequent reasons but the largest one is to help you not receive pregnant when your not ready. When your equipped get rotten the pill and you should be fine.

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