Is it possible to get a fungal infection of the vagina through oral sex with a healthy male?

I performed oral sex on my girlfriend after have a spicy Indian meal, and the doctor say that the bacteria present within my mouth as a result of eating the spicy food be transferred from my mouth to her vagina and caused her to develop a fungal infection down in attendance. She has be given anti-fungal cream and medication, and I have be advised to use a mouthwash previously oral sex in adjectives. Has anyone heard of this nature of problem?

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i enjoy yes i had impossible to tell apart use natural yogurt too

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yes, usually the saliva within the mouth is capable of sanitize the mouth and killing microbes, but sometimes it can't do it alone and that is why we use mouth clean and stuff, transmitted infection by mouth can go both ways too.

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I would imagine a fungal infection flares up when adjectives bacteria are kill off so that curry may hold acted as an antiseptic and killed the intrinsically occuring species of bacteria stale in her vagina thus primary to a fungal growth. It's also possible that you have oral thrush too.

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Possibly. it could depend on how hot it was...the spicy Indian suppertime I mean!!

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The fungus is called "albicans" and is innate in the female
organ. The male mouthwash should be after the feat and
not before. The mouthwash is sold over the counter surrounded by a
pharmacy, get a bottle. Sorry for not unfolding you the name
of the mouthwash but I think we should not prescribe over
this site, moreover I am not a doctor. The pharmacist will
relief you.

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Spicy food is not a source of germs. On the contrary, as its cooked and served hot it is less expected to harbour germs than most meals. The Lassi yogourt drink that some places do is a live culture near safe germs in it but these wouldn't mete out any problems. In fact live intuitive yogourt is a good remedy for thrush! Odd are she basically picked up a fungal from somewhere (it happens) and the curry night have nothing to do next to it.

Thanks to all the posts around periods, I know path too much about fellow Answerers' cycles. What should I do?

thanks for the recommend

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