Having My Uterus Removed?

March 5th is the day, i enjoy fibroid tumors inside my uterus and its causing me wacky discomfort. I've been going through this for a couple years very soon and i am only 25. I hold a 5 year old daughter, and i am thoroughly much so single. No one wants me to draw from the surgery because they say "what if you find someone who requests more kids?". But im tired of being within pain. I dont know what to do, kinda torn. Your assessment is very considered necessary right now.

Answers:    I'm 57 and I also have my uterus removed at 25. I'd had 2 ten pound babies a year apart beside no period within between and when I finally did get it when my second toddler was 11 months old-fashioned, I never quit bleeding.

Emotionally, it really wasn't an issue for me. We had 2 children and have previously decided we didn't want any more. My husband have already gone for a vasectomy.

Physically, after I had the hysterectomy, I feel better than I had surrounded by years. They left my ovaries so it wouldn't put me into precipitate menopause. The past 29 yrs in need having period, cramps, bloating etc has be incredible and I have no regrets nearly having it done.
By the instrument, I don't know if it's just me mortal lucky, but my last blood work showed I be post menopausal and I didn't have ONE of the ordinary, typical symptoms.
I understand your dilemma but when your situation is the track it is, you could end up surrounded by pain for a unbelievably long time. If your situation changes down the road, within are lots of precious little babies waiting to be adopted by loving, humanitarian parents and I know you would love that baby as if it be your own.
If a new man you draw together really and truly loves you and wants to spend the rest of his energy with you, I'm sure he will be severely understanding and supportive of your result to go ahead near this. What good is individual able to own 10 more babies if you have condition issues and are in too much twinge to look after them.
All the best! (and if your doctor hasn't already told you this...they usually do this vaginally so there are no incisions/scars on the outside.)
You inevitability to do what is best for you. this is a crazy situation to be in and i consistency very desperate for you.
If you feel that have this surgery will benefit you then progress for it. If later down the track you get together someone, they should love you for you. I know i would rather be beside someone who was cheerful and healthy afterwards be with someone who be unhappy and within pain adjectives the time.
Your partner (future) should support you! If they want kids then thats something that should be deal with at the time. Theres other adoption if thats an option for you?
But you involve to do whatever YOU have a feeling is best for YOU and your little girl. I'm sure she doesnt like seeing her mom within pain adjectives the time?
Good luck! :-)
This is a difficult decesion for any woman regardless of the number of children they have. You hold been blessed beside one child, so I say for your strength and for the sake of your daughter, get the surgery. It could organize to more complications in the long run. Also, if you assemble "the one", just be up front and I'm sure adjectives will go very well. There is always adoption. Honey i regard that the best thing for you to do is hold the surgery you obviously want it.
But i would also recomend have some eggs frozen you could have another child through a surrogate latter on in enthusiasm whether you have another partner or not.
also if you don't use the eggs you can donate them to another couple and back someone else experience what you have near your daughter.
You have to do what's best for you. There is no guaranty that you will come across someone that wants to enjoy kids. And if you do, adoption is always an choice. good luck to you. Think going on for the kid you have presently, not the ones you may or may not have contained by the future. A full-bodied mom is what she needs right very soon. only you know what you want..i can one and only say that I don`t know one day you may similar to another child and regret it that you cannot...once it is done thats it...i would think long and rugged...i had one child for 6 yrs past i knew i needed another...thats a long time to leave it..but it took that long for me to really agree on and want my second baby...perfect luck hope all turns out powerfully for youi.
Thats one of those things. It's just, you call for to do this for *you* especially if it is causing you discomfort. For vigour purposes it is probably safest to get it done, after again its entirely up to you. Don't let pressure hold you down from something similar to that, if it affects you in everyday vivacity you need to do what you surface is right. Plus, you already were blessed beside giving birth to one child and you've gone through t hat experience, so if you ever required more, adoption is always an alternative :o) I wish you the best of luck. Think in the order of *you* Tell them you can always adopt or foster a child. What have that got to do next to your health? I loathe ppl who know more about your business than you! I never have kids, but I have a god daughter and a nephew and a birddog. I'm fine.
My sister purely had a hysterectomy a month ago (35 yrs old), because she have a grapefruit size fibroid tumor in her uterus. She be in a different situation than you, because she already have 3 kids and had her tubes tied 10 years ago.

Isn't within any other options to in recent times remove the fibroid tumor, like a laproscopy? I would carry another opinion from another doctor and see if nearby other procedures that don't require removing your uterus.

Good Luck.

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