Period problems...?

I just get a period, but I didn't enjoy a stomach-ache or anything... Is this possible or is this something else? I got it for the first time if that help you any with your answer...Pls answer I'm desperate!


Answers:    Tummy sting and cramps are not pre-requisites for having your first spell... They may or may not affect you ever.

Both of my daughters started theirs very babyish. One was 11 the other be 12. I didn't get mine until I be 14.

I am sure it is just the first time, and it will lug a few months maybe even a year to show up on a regular starting place.

Welcome to the world of PMS Queens! LOL

Take care and congrads on one of the first steps to becoming a woman.
it is possible you're merely lucky! :]
You can occasionally get your spell without have cramps or stomach problems. I'm not really sure what your question is, but I suggest chitchat to your Mom - I'm sure she can help!
Not everyone experiences agony and cramping with their extent, so what you are experiencing is quite everyday. Lucky you! That this is your first period, don't be alarmed if your subsequent one is late as it usually take between a year to a year and a half for cycles to become regulated. of late because you have your interval doesnt mean you own to have cramps or bloating or anything.
You don't other have cramps especially if it's your first.The cramps will eventually come and you'll want every period could be similar to the one you're having immediately. its ok dont panic. your body is only just getting used to it this is a normal entry
think yourself lucky !!

cosmic angel
Sometimes you can gain your period short any bloating or cramps. Every woman goes through different cycles next to different aches/pains, etc. It's completely normal, so don't stress. Thats not peculiar at all. I'm turning 16 within June this year, and I got my interval when I was 13. I hold never have a interval pain a hours of daylight in my vivacity, looks like we are one of the lucky ones!
Yep, it's possible. I don't quality any pain when I enjoy mine. I'm very lucky I guess. My aunt other trough-up when she had hers. hey dont verbs u should feel glad that u did not hv any time of year cramps coz they are really killing . so of late relax its not a problem
not every woman gets pains or cramps yes thats common not to have cramps, your one of the lucky ones
Yep this is possible (and normal). are you due today? usually u can go and get periods which variety in 'pain-intensity', it a short time ago means that you may be have a lighter period than usual.

afford it a day or 2 to see it is in truth a period, and if it is, i wudnt verbs at all - hey, distress free period, wat more can u ask for? lol

save, then step see a doc, but dont worry too much
Yes, totally typical. Why should you expect having anguish?? Not all women suffer next to periods. I never did. Lucky us I guess!
Take diligence. It is very possible... you tummy wasn't suppose to ach when you're on your time... the only intention why person's tummy ach is because the muscles aren't accustom to be exercised.

I get my time of year with out any hassle.. you can just about tell when I am on my spell..
My sister never had them from morning one. LOl Me, I have them adjectives the time. Everyone's system is different. hey dont panic it happen and as its ur first its totally normal. sum times u neva hold any peroid pains. it all depands on ur "amount" of flow wether it b insubstantial normal or unhealthy. i strongly advise u to make conversation to ur mother about mortal on the pill or some kind of birth control. dont stress if u grain nothin. u can feel it contained by the middle or towards the end of ur peroid.its of late ur muscels working to get rid of adjectives the exess blood. if the pain get bad embezzle a mild pain nouns pill and put a hot water bottle on ur tummy and lay down. taking heat up baths also helps it take the pressure of ur back. dont be afraid to chitchat to ur mum about ur issues. every girl get her period. nick care
No problem at hand;-) nope that is without blemish normal love!!:) but while you turn on your peroid will more than likely draw from heaver and you will bleed more and also have some cramps (stomach pain) or perchance even like my self lower fund pain) im only 16 and anyone can find lower back niggle, no old women lol!!=] but hope you k and biddable luck..=]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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