What are some exercises to increase your bust (breast)?
Answers: I'm a guy, but if you're petite, honestly, it's so much better to freshly stay your current size. It'll look better, because it's porportional.
there arent any! OMFG!
Just massage them increases their size or you could get breast implant. It mostly depends how big you want them. you have to do pushups and other exercises approaching that, like chest press piece of equipment, or bench press with handheld, etc
breast tissue itself is fatty tissue, but the muscle underneath can be developed, those are your pecs
if you grasp in pushup position on the floor & get the impression your pecs (I'm not trying to get kinky beside this, though it might seem that way) they will touch firm when worked, so you can tell which exercises are working them
There aren't any. Sorry.