How can I luxury my heavily built period?

Tomorrow I am going on a field trip to the mountains and it also is the heaviest year of my periods. What can I do to stop bleeding as much? It's soo horrible for me because my 2nd and 3rd days are the heaviest and I essentially feel similar to sh*t lol!

Is there any pure remedy you use to ease your period?
Also, how can I ease my ovary pains? I usually progress with prescription but is there any other path?

Answers:    Eat a boiled egg.
I`m heavy resembling you - days 2 and 3 are the worst - But I dont get misery, which is good - Just bear a paracetemol and wear some good san.towels - nick plenty with you.. I`m sure you`ll hold a break for the toilets etc. There is no quick fix I'm affraid. Just save yourself fresh. Wear good san products. For the adjectives you may want to start talking evening primrose grease. I was approaching you heavy days next to alot of pain and these over time ease this. Give it a go. Enjoy your sunshine and don't get hung up nearly your period. Us women adjectives go though it and figure out.
Well, there are hormonal birth control methods that could possibly peroxide your periods. I can do some inquiring and see if I can find some more info for you.

**Edit: Here's a little bit of info, if you scroll down to diagnosis and treatment:

Here's another:

There may be some inbred or herbal remedies, but if you're already on hormonal birth control, it's important to remember that some herbal supplements can interfere next to the effectiveness of your birth control.

If your period are seriously agonizing and unbearable, you could look into ablation. Here's a site near some more info on that:
put on good san products.drink alot of hose down and avoid sweets and sweet drinks.will recomment you take fresh sea for sweets and sweet drinks. i used to get markedly heavy period for the pain i found feminax to be severely good but miserably i dont think at hand is anything u can do to ease them past its sell-by date try relaxing in a nice hot tub then use a hot sea bottle on u belly to ease the discomfort
i take evening primrose grease every day this also help with pmt. i recommend strongly that you steal iron tablets (or eat spinach) as okay because heavy period can give you anaemia and build you very tired. i found the simply way to lighter period was the birth control pill which does not backing everyone and is something you would have to verbalize over with your GP. try asking your mum because she may own had hard to digest periods resembling you and may have her own ways of dealing near them.

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