Can your hymen really grow put money on?

i have a newborn and my boyfriend live in seperate states and we have sex in nov 07 and presently in feb(08) and it be so painful it still hurts after 6hrs and i in recent times wanted to know whats up usually i never "feel" anything during sex(i look for the violent connection) but was suprised to consistency pain is nearby something wrong i dont have an orgasm through intercourse if that help

Answers:    Maybe your body wasn't ready. That can do pain. Were you relaxed and into it?
i hear it grows back after 3 years No your hymen can't grow spinal column in that short of time...or at adjectives i think...

but manifestly not in a couple months its probably something else you should probably jump to the doctors ok
the muscles can tense up again (sex loosens them) but your hymen cannot grow fund You probably got a yeast infection. Those can arise when you haven't had intercourse contained by a while. Try treating it with something for yeast and if it doesn't stir away in a couple days stir see a doctor.
That mean your vagina not lubricated satisfactory. Lack of foreplay? or you are emotionally not ready and underneath stress at the time. Or you are tired when you have sex, that's why you can't soak up it. No. It doesn't grow back.

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