I only just tested positive for Polymorphism contained by relation to my 3 miscarriages.What does this plan surrounded by simpler expressions?

What exactly is Polymorphism in relation to women and miscarriages? Can this be a risk to my condition in the long run? I a moment ago really don't understand this diagnosis. . .

Answers:    A polymorphism is a "snip" or piece of a gene, and nearby are many different looks to this piece within the general population. This is what give us the variations surrounded by people- why we have different blood types, sickle cell anemia, etc. In you travel case, you may likely enjoy a section of a gene that have been identified as increasing the likelihood of having a miscarriage. It's a varient on what is call the NOS gene, and it affects how blood vessels relax, and how they form contained by a placenta. In fact here are several varients of the NOS gene, and they play a few different roles in pregnancy problems- including pre-eclampsia, they believe. Anyway, the best soul to discuss all this near would be a genetic counsellor, and an OB with experience dealing beside high risk pregnancies. There are some things they can try to abet swing the odds- some as simple as having you embezzle a baby aspirin respectively day. There are unsurprisingly other types of polymorphism affecting genes, and a full explaination of your particular situation would require a genetic profile to present you the clearest picture. Even if you do have the NOS varient, it doesn't imply you will miscarry every time, it does however mean the probability are high- upwards of 60%. That still leaves 40% which make it to nativity. So don't lose all hope, Get a specialist OB to relief you out.

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