My heartbeat rocks me spinal column and forth?

when im sitting still my heartbeat will rock me back and forth a little bit. i don't even enjoy to get hyped up for this to be happening it lately does. i go to school and when i rest my chief on my hand i can feel my heartbeat and rock rear and forth but only a little rock. Can you endow with me any advice. im 14 years old and i weigh 117. anymore info tolerate me know?

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sounds like you need to see a doctor your heart rate seem to be beating to fast and u may inevitability meds to slow it down a bit i would tell your family doctor it could be serious

polite luck

I hold lost interest surrounded by have sex.?

Go to the doctor. Sounds like you have elevated blood pressure.

I entail some relieve here plz! appreciation?

Lol. I always have that, its only natral, It means your healthy...

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