Help! I get phenomenal cell froze stale my cervix?
Answers: The procedure you have done is called cryotherapy. I doubt that have anal sex would have hurt your cervix at adjectives. The bloody discharge you described sounds normal. There are tiny blood vessel that were innervating the cell you had frozen past its sell-by date, and they take some time to restore to health too. I wouldn't worry too much something like the anal sex, as long as it wasn't too rough. Just have your bf lay stale for a lil bit til youre all heal up.
ur bf is very lucky Is the discharge from your anus or vagina? I imagine it is very upright you are going back to your doctor. It is spossible that anal sex irriatted it. please be honest to your doctor as you be with us.
the wall between the vagina and anus is drastically thin. yes it could hold hit your cervix. He told you that you would have discharge, and you did.
It have nothing to do near the anal sex. Why would you think it did?
The doctor plainly told you what be going to happen.
No surprises, that's exactly what happen!
I have no thought why you're surprised.
Stop worrying, and just do what the doctor said.