HELP? Im worried, grill for women?

do you know anyone that has has an consumption disorder present or in the past, but still have children?

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look at nicole richie.

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Yes, many women who've battled drinking disorders go on to have children.

There's a few concerns near that- being that most women with an ED struggle near eating proper amounts and gaining a on form amount of weight during pregnancy. The other being that as the child grows up, masculine OR female, he or she is more prone to developing an eating disorder themselves. Especially if the template of ED behavior continues in the parent.

That being said, it doesn't penny-pinching it's not possible for them to go on and organize healthy lives an raise thankful, healthy children.

Girls Please..!!??

Yes, my best friend had bulemia for 6 years, be hospitalized for it, and had a perfectly in shape baby girl. But it depends of the person, and what the mass loss effected of them.

Girls please support roughly speaking the yaz birth control pill?

Yes, my mom actually =S. She had/has a mix of bulemia and anorexia.

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Very oil lamp time of year after birth??
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