Could I be pregnant? HELP!?

ok so I am 16 years old and pregnancy is not an likelihood. I have birth control but am waiting until i go and get my period to start, but its NOT coming! I'm really worried.
My boyfriend and I have sex just after christmas and I took the morning after pill because the condom broke. We have sex again the beginning of January and next I had my time January 9th (which is when its supposed to come). I had sex again two night ago thinking just intime until that time my period comes and both of these times hold been beside a condom. I'm worried because my period still hasn't come, and my breasts are sore but that just might be from the bra I be wearing (too small yesterday). What chance is within that I am pregnant?

Answers:    u could very okay be sry but u should just stir out and buy a pregnancy test
oh nooo... you could be pregnant, i read aloud try a home pregnancy test or jump to the doctor
omg if you dont want to get pregnant next dont have sex beside you boyfriend! maybe, you should shift get a prego tryout and pray while you're waiting. good luck, and only remember, God puts every baby here for a judgment (i know its not what you want to here, just don't capture an abortion if you are)
you might be pregnant try the home test You most promising aren't pregnant. I'm glad you used a condom though. Most people don't and they start freaking out in the region of getting pregnant when they were supposed to use a condom contained by the first place. But if your worried you can always receive tested. And if you are pregnant and since pregnancy isn't an option you can acquire an ... abortion.
There of course is other the chance. You could also purely be stressing yourself out and that could be why you haven't gotten it yet. My chest hurts everymonth...lucky me...river retention. You've been tremendously cautious, I'm pleased that you've be so safe. It sounds similar to the risk is very small, cos beside condoms, you can tell when some have leaked through. Your sore boobs are most possible a sign that your period's on its way - mine capture very sore and lashing about a week formerly I come on. Be sure to wear a more supportive bra when you're due on in adjectives, it'll make things a bit more comfortable. If you haven't come on within about a week, after start to worry. Otherwise, you're individual a few days late, and these things can oscillate from month to month.
Give it a few more days, and if still nothing, consequently go and speak to a doctor or thieve a test.
you could be, but i have only be two days, have you be doing a lot of sports b/c sometimes that change things. But you still could be. and if you are they just don't capture an abortion please, i know a lot of relations that had kids when they we teens, things were/ are tough, but you took the risk. If you are, simply do what i best for you and if the mean abortion in good health i can't stop other than adage, it's a human life, newly think more or less it. and there is other adoption. but like i said up to that time i has solely been 2 days so im not sure that you enjoy to panic relatively yet but you should still be thinking in the region of it. you should just lurk it out but dont wait to long because consequently you dont have any option but you should really think something like if theres a chance ask your boyfriend and hold on to him informed hes probably just as worried
You may want to start by purchasing a home pregnancy exam, or better yet get to a health clinic and or OBGYN. The latter will agree to you know 100% for sure if you are indeed pregnant. I know that even the thought is scary, but you made the full-grown decision to hold sex and now you must business with the consequences. At your age and given your situation, you may want to start at a clinic. In almost any city near are free and confidential health clinics that administer pregnancy test. NOW, OK good on you for making the decree to begin birth control. This should own implied that you weren't going to have sex until you if truth be told started taking the pills, but it didn't. Why? Why? Why? Not just once but several times past you actually started. I know I know I know but he said this or he said that or but I really like/love him..etc.! Bottom row if you're both fully committed, waiting should have be a non-issue. Moving on, go obtain the proper test done by a professional, and start thinking just about the possible results. If you're not pregnant, congratulations, you got a acquire of jail free card, because you're clearly cold to raise a child. Your behavior is really telling and results you a bit immature/inexperienced (outside of your age). If you find you are pregnant, think long and complicated about what you're going to do subsequent. Given you've taken the morning after pill before, you may hurriedly decide to enjoy an abortion. This is not a decision to be made so rapidly. You may want to think give or take a few adoption or actually taking thoroughness of the child you've conceived. It won't be an easy ruling. Seek support and I realize this is a daunting task. Your parents probably will not be thrilled in the region of you being pregnant, given your 16 and not wed, but they're still your parents. They will support and guide you through the process. Seek support from your friends as resourcefully. If find you have nought real support, at hand are many organization who can provide you with support. Also factor surrounded by, yes it's your body, but what does your boyfriend have to read aloud about the situation? If he's pushing you toward an abortion, to be exact very unfolding. If you make an alternative ruling, is he going to support you? I only point this out because he'll want to man up and take responsibility too. Best of luck to you. Anytime you hold sex without full protection you could other be pregnant. I would like to share another form of bc near you. I've seen women getting their lives messed up forever when using hormonal bc. I meditate the pill can be very unsafe. I get suicidal on it. When I be choosing a bc method, I researched them all. What I come up with be the diaphragm. It works without hormones so you don't downfall up with little Natzi hormones forcibly overthrowing your intuitive hormones. It's like a womanly condom, you can't feel or see it and neither can he. You put for a time spermicide on the rim, which seals it and kill any trouble makers. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as potent as the pill, on the pregnancy part, probably better. The doctor will fit you to get the right size and to show you how to put it surrounded by and remove it. It's easier than to remember to take a pill everyday when you’re not gonna enjoy sex everyday. You just enjoy to remember it when you’re going to have sex. If you forget it, obviously it doesn’t work at all. If period are an issue regarding sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over darkness. It was my favorite bc method. However approaching the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will kill you.
physicians assistant

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