Could this raison d`??tre my time to be belated?
Answers: Yes - and subsequent thing you know, adjectives of you will have your period at the same time. Women who work together, live together repeatedly do.
i think i don't know inform someone a closest girl Friend or mom Might want to ck the delivery or ups man
Yes approaching the previous answer you can begin to cycle around the women around you and secondly it could be the stress of a alien job and the loving of work that you do. If you do not begin to cycle soon i would recommend you walk to the doctor. Good Luck It could and so could pregnancy. If you are more than 3 weeks late, transport a pragnancy test or see a doctor.
The stress of a profession change can result in irregularities also when women work together sometimes their cycles synchronize so that can cause change. But If it goes more than 3 weeks, check it out.