The Pill and Periods?

I am taking Logynon. How long after I start taking the white sugar pills should my period come. I am somewhat worried i might be pregnant.

Answers:    Always took me about 4 days to start after the sugar pills but everyone is diff. Good luck getting the right answer for you!
That is outstandingly variable. If you own just started taking the pills (which I assume you enjoy since you are asking this question), it may be a little longer - perchance 3 days or so? If you are worried you might be pregnant, you should not start another pack of pills. Wait until you are sure if you are or are not pregnant. Hope this helps! You really should be asking the doctor who prescribed your medication. If your doctor isn't available, the pharmacist you full up your prescription can also be a great source of information. If you're really shy, read the information packet that came next to the medication.

But your best source is your doctor. Your doctor can give you an answer specific to YOUR body. Anyone here is only just guessing. Probably good guessing, but still guessing.
It can be a while... You shouldn't verbs unless it's been more than five days and really close to when you're supposed to start taking the pills again.

Also, missing period isn't that uncommon on the pill... so don't assume you're pregnant if you miss the term without a tryout.

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