Hi ,i'am have problems beside my time .draw from it twice respectively month , calorific bleeding & abundantly of strain .?

Answers:    I did the same entity and had to hold a D&C done to get me posterior on track,also endometriosis can cause you to do what you're doing.Go see your gyno!
Go to the doctor as soon as possible. Better not detrimental then sorry. Also judge about getting on birth control to regulate that term and possibly the pain. Please jump see a doctor soon! This COULD be a serious condition. It could be something simple but it is better to be safe than sorry!
U inevitability to go to your gyn. U may requirement a d&c to check to see if their is a problem. I had the same issues more or less two years ago. Their was nil their. Maybe u have fibroids or cycsts. if you basically started your period just this minute, or within the closing year, dont worry too much nearly it. periods are across the world and mostly irregular when they first begin.

if, however, you enjoy had your term for more than a year, then i would suggest contacting your doctor.

it could be positively nothing, and you could basically have an irregular cycle. masses women do, and its nothing to verbs about. but, here could be a problem that you dont know about. your doctor can inform you.

perfect luck.
get to ur doctor soooooooooon. also dont nick lot of caffeine n salt dat make d pain worst. "Dalcheeni" a herb(try to know what its english moniker is) if u take 2 pinches of it + any tea halp spoon, 2 spoon sugar, 4-5 leaves mint contained by 1 cup water(give 3 -4 boils to all d ingredients, dis can relieve lot of stomach-ache. U may also take a fist full of corriander within 1 cup water n boil surrounded by same way. seive it n drink only just water contained by both cases. Try to keep a hot hose bottle. Visiting a doctor is must but otherwise dont stress too much n take precautions n smaller amount of painkillers. home remedies work. i had kinda same prob Your body is regulating your hormones, which is totally commonplace, and your body is doing it's job. It may be discomfited, and seem to end forever, but it is natural, girls put up near it all the time, and it will quit by itself. This is better for your body. Natural is so much better than unnatural. Often the pill is used to force period to be regular. I've seen women seize their lives messed up forever using hormone bc, as well as the coil and iud. Women own had difficulties adjectives the way up to biggies, approaching loosing their uterus. The pill can be very risky. I get suicidal on it.
You may not involve bc right now, however when I be choosing a bc method, I researched them all. What I come up with be the diaphragm. It works without hormones so you don't train up with these huge Natzi hormones overthrowing and controlling your inherent cycle. It's like a feminine condom, you can't feel or see it and neither can he. You put a bit spermacide on the rim, which seals it and kill any trouble makers. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as important as the pill, on the pregnancy part, maybe better. The doctor will fit you to get the right size and to show you how to put it contained by and remove it. It's easier than to remember to take a pill everyday when you’re not gonna enjoy sex everyday. You just enjoy to remember it when you’re going to have sex. If you forget it, logically it doesn’t work at all. If period are an issue regarding sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over hours of darkness. It was my favorite bc method. However resembling the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will kill you.
physicians assistant
ps hang on to an emergency period paraphernalia with you adjectives the time.
drink more cranberry juice or dampen

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