UGH!!plz relief me!best answer get ten points?

i am 13 and i am still expecting my period
i think that it is getting close but idk
i am 5'4
size 32A
discharge since december 2007
i hold pubic hair, leg hair, and lower than arm hair
any signs that it is getting close???
any thing that i can look for????
also does any one enjoy any remidies for zits and pimples??
thanks in credit

Answers:    well like maybee its close but really you cant be sure.. but it sounds resembling it should be coming really soon so be prepared like bring a tampon or pad to institution just incase.. and i use proactive and it works like a charmm...
Many females receive their periods as late as 17 years behind the times. If you do not get your period by that age, most doctors recommend a stop by just to see if everything is okay. Because you are slim, you may not get your spell as soon as other girls. Generally, a female tends to be 100 pounds back getting her first period. If you've had discharge, expect your time to come soon, as this is usually a sign everything is in working order.

As far as zits and pimples dance, a very effective and cheap passageway to prevent and get rid of break outs is to buy some astringent. Astringent can be as cheap at 98 cents a bottle and can be found in the exquisiteness department of grocery stores and stores such as walmart and walgreens. Astringent is best used if put on cotton balls and dabbed onto problem areas of the obverse. Astringent often drys up facial skin, so users should also purchase an unscented face lotion to apply afterwards. Washing composition off after each hours of daylight is also important to prevent break outs..
its probably coming within the subsequent couple years at the latest, but believe me, it's not something you want to look forward to. Carry at least one wipe or tampon with you just contained by case. Normally you can tell that it's come when you stir to the bathroom because you can see the red in your underwear or when you wipe (sounds slightly awkward but its true). Chances are it will probably catch you by surprise the first time, that's why you want to be prepared.
As for zits, clean up your face regularly (once a day should be sufficient) and it should stay beneath control. Otherwise, there are face wipe or facewashs (Neutrogena, etc) that can help. I use Clearasil I believe and it works pretty well. There really isn't a miracle solution to zits, undesirably. Just be confident. for zitps and pimples, look in a drug store for a soap called Purpose made by Johnson & Johnson to use on your obverse. most any drug store i have been within the US has had it.

after get some Oxy5 to dab on the zits at bedtime, don't rub it adjectives over because it can really dry out the rest of your face too much

if it is really bad, ask your doctor for someting topical approaching an antibotic like topical erythromycin to put on it

also, don't forget to moisturize, ask the doctor or pharmacist about a moisturizer to use for your skin type

Good Luck.
Every woman is incomparable, and so are her periods. When it comes to periods - how long they ultimate, how heavy they are - there is a wide open range of normal. But usually, the average interval lasts 5-7 days, and the average amount of blood lost is only one to two ounces per cycle.

You may get the impression more tense or angry. You may gain water shipment and feel bloated. Your breasts may feel tender. You may grasp acne. You also may have less vigour than usual. A day or two before your term, you may start having pain (cramps) surrounded by your belly, back, or legs. These symptoms go away during the first days of a interval.

On the other hand, if you suffer from heavy period you may bleed as much as 10 to 25 times that amount each month (Source: National Women's Health Resource Center). And if you do, you probably know what it's like to experience one or more of these difficult and disruptive symptoms:

~~Menstrual flow that interferes beside your regular activities or lifestyle and causes anxiety going on for embarrassing accidents
~~Periods that finishing longer than seven days
~~Menstrual flow that soaks through one or more tampons or napkins every hour for several consecutive hours
~~Menstrual flow that includes large blood clots
~~Fatigue or shortness of breath (which are symptoms of anemia caused by blood loss).
Okay first entity first. Things to look for are your skin may break out, your breasts get tender, you may experience craps, sometimes your body hurts, you are tired and cranky all the time. Things resembling that tell you. Now the whole zit point may be a sign too. But as for anything to help with that be in motion to wal-mart or target and get some clean and clear frontage wash or something and use it everyday to help hold out the dirt.

And trust me you think you want your period but hunny trust me it comes after you hate it. But good luck and I hope I help..
ya you are definitely close to getting your period. once i get pubic hair it was singular a matter of weeks before i get my period. so its almost there.powerfully my skin gets really oily and i grasp tiny breakouts all over my face and so does everyone else that i know. as for the zits and pimples...i belt up egg whites and out that on my face till it dries for shininess. boil a big pot of water and put my frontage over it with a towel over the top of my head to initiate my pores and then wash your facade right away. do both of those things about 2x every other day and that's the call a halt of that problem.
if that doesn't work go to your doctor and get a prescription for your acne.

hope i help hun!

any more questions email me at summerluva77(a)
Ok first of all don't be so excited (or anxious, impatient) to start your time. Once you do you will have it monthly until you're in your 50's so you'll enjoy plenty of time for it to come. Though It sounds like you are progressing through puberty and will start soon (though soon could be anytime in the subsequent year or so). Some people I have prearranged didn't start until they were 15/16 years old. I intuitively started when I was only 11 years aged. Everyone is different, just be patient. As far as pimples.try "Zyoprex" you can lone order it online but it's worth it. Good Luck with growing up! :-) i of late started my period. And i wanted it but trust me you dont want it its a huge dull pain. I started and i was 32A and had alot of dicharge for over a year. for pimples you can put calamin lotion on it and maby sure to wipe up your skin everyday.hope i helped.xoxo.
your going to have it soon but merely be thankful that your not in college wen you do have your first one my friend did and its not such a great story to tell its on it's process, but still its really not something t look forward too :) lol. it will come when the time is right, good luck! -marty jean baker.
idk, *stars the question*
but i am the same entity, i hope it doesn't come too soon:) ummm...the period thing is a moderation thing. i know you don't want to hear that, sorry. One thing that did develop to me right before I started my period be that I started getting mild abdominal cramps a few months before, and I started getting a very clear vaginal discharge-- but no odor or itching or anything close to that with it.

I have have problems with acne for YEARS, and from my personal experience, I've found that all the products, scrub, soaps, creams, gels, cleansers, etc out there one and only make it worse- even the prescription ones.

I've had the best luck near this regimen:

I wash my face day after day with only reheat water and a wash clothe, I scrub considerately to exfoliate, rinse the rag well, after scrub a little more. Once a week, I use L'Oreal microdermabrasion, but I do not use the moisturizer that comes with it, it clogs my poors. Aspirin have salicylic acid in it, so every couple weeks, I disolve a few aspirin within a tiny bit of warm water, put surrounded by on my face like a blanket and let it sit a while, then donate a little more water to moisten it and scrub it into my skin to exfoliate in the past rinsing off. Makes my skin very extraordinarily soft, and I get the benefit of the salicylic acid in need all the fragrances, dyes, and preservatives that are put in acne cleansers and products. If you of late have one or two zits, you can just put the crushed aspirin on those zits and give notice it on over night.

Also I break out much worse when I drink soda instead of water. This is not within my head, because I've had bleak breakouts many times after a soda binge. I don't believe it's the caffeine, though-- I think it's the sugar and glorious fructose corn syrup in the soda, because it happens to me even when I drink sprite.

Take nurture of yourself. Blessings.

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