Do I shave?

Strange question, but am I supposed to shave my pubic quill? Do most girls do it? Why do they do it? How do they do it?

Answers:    Totally up to you. If you don't like fuzz down there, receive rid of it. If you want it there/don't really care any way, hand down it alone.

Personally, I just trim it. I shaved once and it wasn't pleasant for me (I own super-sensitive skin, especially in that nouns, so I ended up beside a lot of irritation). After that, I of late opted to trim it so it's not adjectives unruly and bush-like. It looks nicer, and I also find it stays cleaner.
It's a personal decision. If you quality comfortable doing it, then walk for it. I don't really know whether most girls do it or not. I would say it's probably pretty popular though. In today's society, I can transmit you that an overwhelming majority of men prefer that a woman shaves down there. If not, at tiniest keep it trimmed and not "bush-like." The coat is there to protect the nouns from dangerous elements, but really is not essential. But do what YOUR comfortable with.

All you inevitability is a decent cut-throat, and you can either use purely a soap lather or shaving cream. Just mind your Ps and Qs! It's really no big deal once you bring back used to it.
it all depends on the creature. but i do shave and i do it because i don't like the hair. A lot of women shave. I shave my bikini line and consequently trim the rest. My boyfriend doesnt mind either channel, but some guys prefer women shaved all the channel. But be careful, this can lead to some ingrown hairs and/or cut-throat burn if you have sensitive skin. I would try simply trimming it first, and then easing into shaving if thats what you want to eventually do. devout luck!
Shave, its the way to budge!!

Yes, most girls do shave, or just trim.

I do it b/c it looks nicer & guys similar to it.

Either wax or shave - either style make sure you grasp some "medicated pads" you can get them at CVS or walmart & once you shave lately wipe the pad on the nouns you shaved and it will help you curtail the chances of getting bumps/razor burn!
it is something you settle on for yourself... it makes you get the impression cleaner-especially around your period... some girls dont shave it adjectives but shave around the top and sides so that it wont show in a bathing suit...

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