Serious, non judgemental People singular!?

I had my son on unsullied years, then bout 6wks subsequent i got the mirena inserted. I know the spotting is for similar to 3mnths is common after getting the mirena, but my discharge is similar to a dark brownish color. Is that approaching left over gunk from mortal prego? Please help me i am kinda worried, i am not spotting anymore simply have the wierd and never have b4 discharge. It is uncomforting to me, is somethin wrong?

Pain near paragard?

Go to the doctor or talk to an guidance nurse.

Period at seven?

ew that sucks. just name the gyno and ask im sure she'll know.

How can i grow a fatter butt withot platic surgery in a short amount of time ??

dark brownish is nil to worry in the region of. that is basically your spotting. Go to the doc if you are really worried

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