Got my first spell this valentines daylight?

I got my length (first) on valentines day and havent bled since (and no i havent have sex so no i am not preggo i am way to smart to do that) is their something wrong and i asked my elder sister and cousin and they said it was adjectives on your first period i merely want to check and will i bleed again this week?

Answers:    Often when you first start getting your period, it's awfully irregular and may also be quite bedside light. SO it might not last as long. Anywhere from something like 2 to 10 days is considered normal, I would say aloud the averag eperiod is about 5 days, but plentiful women have shorter ones and also longer ones than that. It's adjectives fine and normal. Next time you procure your period it might be a bit heavier and closing longer, and don't count on it coming in exactly a month, sometimes girls can keep on up to a year to get their second term, it can be extremely irregular with the timing.
Oh and if you own stopped bleeding, then your spell is probably over, so you mos tlikely won't bleed again this week.
its just your body getting use to it.zilch to worry something like and its quite adjectives. NO YOU WILL NOT BLEED AGAIN THIS WEEK. SINCE YOU HAVE STARTED...YOU WILL HAVE A CYCLE EVERY MONTH.
CONGRATS! I had my first spell on Christmas! its hard to notify when u frist start. i had my first time of year a little over a year ago and it last about 6 days. but everyone is different. purely pay attention cuz for the first few months or even years it might be a short time random and not other come right on time and finishing the same amount of time, but i promise ur not alone
WOW lucky you! uh see I thought I get mine when i was ten because of blood on my panties but it be actually a bug bite i have been itching relly sturdy. It bled for like 3 minutes which freaked me out adequate. It may also just be your body trying to amount out how it is gonna work. congrats :)
There is nothing wrong. Your period are going to be irregular for a while, so it might be an idea to buy panty liner so you don't ruin your undies. Yes that is mundane. The same thing happen to me. You may or may not bleed again this week. Its commen for your period to not be as usual for the first year you have it.
Congrats. I have my first period on my b-day. DEC. 9. I be ten. well dint verbs just fetch pads contained by your purse or pockets and mark on a calender the days that it starts and ends so you'll know when the subsequent cycle is near. my first last a day and it wasnt tremendously heavy i didnt call for a pad or anything
i chew over once you start it its is iregular for awhile

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