Girls! Do you bleed?

I don't want to sound funny but is it true that sometimes after a girl have had sex she can bleed out of her vagina, and the blood be completely non-related to her term? Is this true? If so does it hurt?

Answers:    Yes. The first time, it does hurt a little, but after that it's fine. Just be calm the first time.
it has happend to me until that time and its because my bf goes a bit complicated on me...but it doesnt hurt... I believe it's true for virgins, possibly because of the tearing inside, and no it doesn't hurt. moral question though.
This have happened to me until that time. Are you pierced down below, cos I think that my enjoy been the result in for me?! erm yes.. the hymen breaks and it can bleed and it can also hurt
Yes, if it is one of their first couple times the can bleed from trauma to the vagina. uh im pretty dure thts wen you pop a girls cherry haha
the first time, yeah sex hurts
im sure what your refering to is "popping the cherry".. if it happens once than thats what it is, yes it's for a while uncomfortable but only just like a bumb ini the shoulder it go way when it over... very soon on the other hand if she bleeds adjectives the time you may be responsible for vaginal tearing and that can be horribly bloody. good luck and nick it easy until you know the grounds. erm yes it is possible to happen if the girl have not been properly lubricated beforehand and if the sex be quite vigourous..but tis occasional..
yea it does happen and no it does not hurt unless its close to rape or something. Only the very first time she have sex - if the hymen has be broken, there may be some blood.
Otherwise, no it's not true.
yes, she can get hold of grazed inside with the friction if she is not lubricated adequate,

just pocket your time and be gentle
yes, it can bleed even if it isn't your first time have sex, usually if the guy is bigger than what you're used to or he's a little rough. if that's the bag, it's bleeding because your vagina is not used to that sort of treatment and it's tear just somewhat, which usually hurts a little. yes, but it can hurt close to a mild period cramp too... this ismore common if at hand is someting wrong maybe similar to fibroids, a coil worked loose, hard sex, or even disorder such ascancer etc...
Once I got food poisoning so severe that I bled really discouraging in the middle of my cycle

how come you asking?
it never happen to me but yes it can happen and it can take place anytime not only when we enjoy sex friend of mine had it start to her when riding a bike, its meant to be a constituent of us opening up and it is completely run of the mill and only occur once yes. it can happen. it also depends on how low her cervix is at the time of sex.

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