Period problems serve :S

i started my period in pageant when i was 13 and it lasted 5 days.since than i own ran alot and i aint had my length since and i was due yesterday and now im getting worried.please backing

Answers:    Dont get worried, it's completely normal to skip period at your age, especially if you've just started.
The first year or so of your periods will be irregular, but after that you'll be capable of mark on the calendar when your period will be.
Irregular period mean they'll come when they want, they'll last different length of time and that :)
So don't worry - talk to your mum she'll be capable of help you a bit more.
Okay first off, swot up your english. The correct wording is "I haven't had my period" Ain't is not a word. Running can have a big effect on a woman's interval, so it is not uncommon for you to have an irregular extent. And plus you have only lately started, so it will be irregular for a couple of years. You just started recently so your period generally won't be in any regular cycle, they will play havoc near you, as in, the timing of them, but your periods should settle down into a regular template after about two years of having it. There is zilch wrong with you, a lot of people's period are late, but it is just pure. Don't let it get you down!
I wouldn't verbs too much. It can take anything up to a couple of years for your body to settle into a regular cycle as it adjusts to adjectives the new information from your hormones and brain. As long as youre eating healthily and enjoy no other concerns you should be completely fine. if you only started in motorcade then you will definitely not be regular, you could be up to a week rash or late and you don't have to verbs. The exercise isn't bad, its good so you don't hold to worry about that..
You hold just started so your periods are irregular. Just donate it time it usually takes up to a year to get a regular length. Ignore silly answerers telling you off for your sentence structure. God that annoys me!

Onto your question, periods can pocket months/even years to regulate themselves :) Don't stress over it, it'll come soon enough! x.
don't worry thats mundane.
excess working out has just shocked your body. in recent times chill it will regulate out.

and since its new to you it will take some times to gross a routine!

good luck!.
periods tend to be inconsistent at first. I didn't obtain my 2nd period until 3 months after my first! it is not unusual to skip a month it will not be regular for a while.
your fine

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