My sister have feel dizzy, lightheaded and ill for the recent past two weeks. What could she hold?

We're taking her to the doctor today, but i just be wondering what you think are the possibilities of what she have wrong with her. Thanks

Answers:    It could be adjectives sorts of things, a lot of them not deeply serious.

Is she iron-deficient?

Has she got an infection of the inner ear? I have that and felt approaching I was sea-sick for a month.

Has she have a bump on the head?

Is she severely stressed?
A slight case of pregnancy? Gulp... Pregnancy is going around impossible this year.
There are many, frequent different things that can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea. Way more things than simply pregnancy. It could be anxiety or stress, or it could be a virus like the cold or the flu that is to say not giving her any other symptoms. There are other things it could be as well, but I won't make clear to you about them because that will basically scare you and it's not potential that she has them. :) Most expected, she is OK and just requests to slow down and take it trouble-free until her body feels stronger. I'm glad you guys are taking her to the doctor, though!

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