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if you loose wieght do your boobs get smaller??

because i wnt to loose some consignment but i dont want my boobs getting smaller coz there small satisfactory!!

plzz help!!

Answers:    yes, it's one of the first places a woman will lose solidity.
OMG!! i have duplicate problem! i heard they do if u jump anorexic! Actually, you lose weight first within your calves, then your shoulders (not boobs), thighs, tummy, hips, after boobs and arms so don't be too worried.
No you won't lose weight from your boobs. The simply time this would happen is they are flabby and stout. I have be losing weight and desire my boobs would lose weight as all right but they haven't. I've heard that if you want bigger, firmer boobs near are some toning exercises you can do but I don't know what they are. You could go to an aerobics class. yes. i be a full B cup and was give or take a few 117 lbs. I lost 15 lbs and also a cup size =[ i was 102 lbs next to an a cup and i hated it. since consequently i have gain some back and im around 110 but its knotty to get your boobs backbone there simply a B

so if you have incredibly small boobs as it is.. your gonna loos them when you loose weight too

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