Question for the ladies?

when guys wrestle other guys it is important to wear a protective cup, but when a guy wrestles a girl does he really have need of to wear a cup because girls arent as strong as guys and cant really do any damage to that dedicated area. is this true?

Answers:    Girls can do more spoil to that area, because we're not as shy around squeezing it if we need to maintain ourselves. A guy will think twice in the past he grabs another guy's crotch, but if a girl know you well plenty to wrestle with you, she's not going to be shy around giving the boys a yank.
We can do like peas in a pod damage but for more! go hit urself contained by the face.

girls can smoothly just see u in the fricken nuts.
no girls can be basically as agresive as guys. but even if they arent u should still waer one cuz u never know where foot or knees might land! NAW CUZ MOST GIRLZ WANNA SQUEEZE THERE
um..y r u wrestling a gurl?? girls whoop ya upright so yah u do still have to wear one lolz
Girls can absolutely cause the penile nouns to experience great amounts of pain, even during a wrestling meeting.

Now, I'm completely against men and women wrestling eachother as a sport, but don't sell the weaker sex short by underestimate what strength they have.
Well I know for a reality that my friend put a guy in hospital from that! Testicles are particularly sensitive. Even a gentle smack can make happen pain.
What a silly interview.

Of course girls can be just as strong as guys. I've met some that are even stronger. If a paw rail can grounds damage to that nouns, don't you think a girl/woman could too?
thats ridiculous every body know that a girl can do way more interfere with than a guy, guys have more upper body strength but girls own way more lower body strength. Wow that's not sexist? How in the region of you come to my house and i show you just how much overexploit can be done sound biddable? Ya a girl can be just as strong as a guy and by the sounds of you most are stronger than you.
I cogitate a girl can damage your man parts merely as much as men can. Wear a cup. No girls can do the same destroy and even more. I wrestle and I wrestle all boys and I win most of the time. Before we start they are resembling "Ohh it's a girl!" but then I overthrow them and I made a lot of guys cry.
We are approach stronger then men...And if we want we can really do break.:) one i can tell your sexist and girls can be purely as strong if not stronger than a guy.. and umm if you piss one of us sour where's the first place we kick
ew. i loathe sexists.
Girls can kick * merely as much as a guy.
get over yourself.

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