Is my time short or long?

my period is every 23-25 days. Is that a short one or a long/normal spell?

also wondering when i probably ovulate?

Answers:    Slightly shorter than average, but still normal. An "average" cycle is 28 days.

You would ovulate surrounded by the middle of your cycle. If you get your term on day 1, and afterwards again on day 24 (with your 23-25day cycle), you're going to ovulate around afternoon 12, give or help yourself to a day or so.
completely usual =D normal more or less the 14th day after
its mundane. a "typical" cycle is 28 days ... you're close enough! try to work out your ovulation date, or try an ovulation predictor kit. you can buy them at any drug store.
You are at a mundane range. Most women's cycles can be anywhere between 26 and 35 days, beside 28 days being an average. Typically you ovulate in the region of 14 days after the start of your new cycle. A cycle is calculated as individual from the first day of one term to the first day of the subsequent period.

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