Can living near only just my dad and brother affect my hormone level?

i moved out of my moms house about a year ago,and ever since than my period gotten weird and i've gotten abit more body spike.
i've heard that when you live beside another woman your periods synchronize,so could my hormones be adjectives ** up from living with 2 boys?!
and what can i do in the region of the hormones,we have no vigour insurance.

Answers:    haha no hun, it doesnt work like that. The item about women ans synchronizing, to be precise true (at least I believe) when me and my roommate moved within together it happened to us. (i be skeptical before in the order of it)

The no health insurance point? im not so sure about. Try applying for medicade, or turn to a local clinic if you want birth control. They sometimes give it away for free if you qualify.
haha strange lol i don't think so, no.
ps. how'd u procure past the censor thing near "f*cked?" lol no it cant i live with my dad and grandpa ur probably worried a bout ur interval so its goin waky calm down a bout it remember this when u cash so does ur body and period... k :p

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