I merely started the Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo but my length is irregular and i am not sure when to transport it!!?

I am irrgular and i never know when i get my term. The next time i obtain it can be months from now. I single want to get on them so they can regulate me. And I am not sure if i should hang around untill I get it to start the pills or newly start them now. Can someone please support me!

Answers:    if you irrgular start taking them. but if you had sex do a pg13 oral exam first
from the age of 12 my periods we irregular. I started taking BC pills at 14 to regulate them. I asked my doctor like peas in a pod thing and she said to embezzle them when I want to. She just reminded me that the ending 7 pills were the days I be going to have a extent. Eventually it worked out and i could control when I would have a spell. If I knew something be going to happen the week of my time I would skip the green pills and start on the pink pills until what ever event was over afterwards I went to the green pills. I hear that this is supposed to give you regular, lighter period, My advice is to stop taking it and turn back and see the doc or nurse
i am on it.. it does work inside 2 weeks my period be back ta commonplace.. it was fluffy and was better than havin none at adjectives.. i was on the depo shot for 3 years and it took my period away and i started ta gain weight and adjectives.. then i approved ta get stale of it.. its been a year and i go to the doctors ta find out why i wasnt gettin ne and he did a sonogram n found cysts on my ovaries that was non life span threatenin and gave me some tablets ta take n put me on that Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo.. it does work and you should see your term within 3-4 months.. i didnt have an idea that theyd work that fast but they did.. honourable luck on it.. im sure youll be satisfied beside it if you decide ta cart it.. so start them now.. dont linger..

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