Isn't it easier for a girl to capture an orgasm near a smaller penis because it is closer to the g-spot?
I other enjoy impossible cramps but this month none basically bleeding?
More guys are concerned about size than girls are. Most of use of late want a generous lover.While being closer to the g-spot might explain it, I estimate it also has to do with the lenght of the stroke - the shorter the penis, the faster the stroke to that nouns. I had my first vaginal orgasm with a guy beneath 3 inches.
Girls with the sole purpose Please.. Am i going to start my term soon?
So I've heard. I hear that women have the most reaction within the first few (2 -3) inches of the vagina. So. ya, honestly, size doesn't really matter.never have sex sorry
What could be the basis of my thrush?
well that's good to know...At lowest I'm bigger than him lolIs it average to know how to discern vaginal discharge coming out?
Birth control?
Plan b side effects?