Irregular period?

im 33 and i have have irregular periods adjectives my life. i hold 4 children and have get my tubes tied in 2003 i own had approaching 1 period a year my doctor said its fine,as long as i enjoy had at least possible 1 a year.its coming up on a year and still now no spell. and for the past 2 days i hold had this liquid discharge not alot but a lilttle and it doesnt smell or anything! i do have a lil stomach craps, zilch horriable tho.anyone know why and to be honest i am over weight im close to 5'2 and 230 which i am trying to loose weight!but within like oct i spotted in the future and the same for dec and jan! but it single like in the future and its only reading light pink when i would wipe! its like my body be trying to bleed but jus didnt? i dont kno im a lil confused about it , hopefull its nothin but jus wonderin any one kno why!

Answers:    I would definatley wish a second opinon. You should get a spell every 3 mos. Because if your body does not shed its uterine lining and at hand is a build up it could cause a precancerous condition. Have you gone for any ultra sounds? You could own ovarian cysts, or Uterine fibroids. Have they done any blood work, beause like me you could enjoy polyovarian cyst syndrome (the diagnosis is based on hormones level and based if you in actuality have cysts or not).
Sounds resembling just a phase or something, right luck x

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