After hysterectomy - sexual drive?

First of all, let me voice this: my wife's desire for sex is already sporadic; She's 39 and once or twice a month seems plenty often for her (not me, but we'll pretend that's a separate issue).

We strongly suspect that inside the next 15 years, she'll be having a hysterectomy due to a family circle history of ovarian and uterine cancers - as well as plain dated endometriosis.

What are the chances that a woman who had one and only a passing interest in sex to start with will feel ANY sexual desire whatsoever after a hysterectomy?

Do you stop growing 2 years after you have your term or by the time you arrive at 18?

I give attention to that this is an individual thing, and not everyone who looses their libido can blame the hysterectomy.

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I had one done at 37. I feel more alive because the pain and fear be gone. im 46 now and my husband and i are like contained by our 20s again.. HOWEVER, the only down side is that once the hysterectomy was done I feel a loss. And felt a lil depressed knowing that it was definatly no longer possible to hold kids, so she might want someone to help he through the post partum feelings.

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I have a hysterectomy 5 years ago and I don't notice any difference I want it as much now as I did later. I am not on hormones or anything.

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Microgynon 30.Some days i purloin the pill at 8 am, othersat 10 /11 am because of my shifts. Am i protected?
I be wondering...?
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