Morning after pill request for information?

does any one know the average price of the morning after pill?? and does it really work and how effective is it?

Answers:    Human conception not often occurs right away after intercourse. Instead, it occurs as long as several days next, after ovulation. During the time between intercourse and conception, sperm continue to travel through the fallopian tube until the egg appears. So taking emergency birth control the "morning after" isn't too behind schedule to prevent pregnancy.
The active ingredients surrounded by morning-after pills are similar to those in birth control pills, except surrounded by higher doses. Some morning-after pills contain singular one hormone, progestin (Plan B), and others contain two, progestin and estrogen. Progestin prevents the sperm from reaching the egg and keeps a fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus (implantation). Estrogen stops the ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation) that can be fertilized by sperm.
The morning-after pill is designed to be taken in 72 hours of intercourse with a second dose taken 12 hours latter. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue and headache. According to the Food and Drug Administration, the morning-after pill is 80 percent forceful in preventing pregnancy after a single exploit of unprotected sex.
Morning-after pills aren't the same entity as the so-called abortion pill, or mifepristone (Mifeprex). Emergency contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy. The abortion pill terminates an established pregnancy — one that have attached to the uterine wall and has already begin to develop.
Plan B is available to women 18 years and older in need a prescription at most pharmacies. Women must show proof of age to purchase Plan B. For women 17 years old and younger, Plan B is available next to a doctor's prescription.
it is 100% effective and costs $44.95

We are currently selling 1 pack of Plan B for $44.95. In a hurry? Overnight shipping is available. Orders placed by 5pm EST ship same hours of daylight.
You need to walk to a doctor to get one and you obligation to be monitored by a medical professional. supposed to work
yes. I paid $75 I don't know the price as we don't wages for them in Canada but They are in the region of 99% effective.

Not 100% youngest daughter is proof.

Its not the same item as an abortion just floods your body beside hormones and tricks your body into thinking its already pregnant simular to how Birth Control pills work.
don't do it. not only is it abortion, it is insecure for the mother as well. nope srry. but i know for a certainty that you shouldnt rely on the morning after pill ALWAYS use protection and to be on the extra safe side use the morning after pill afterwords..
it works but i hold no idea how much it costs. I do not beleive you enjoy to pay for it but you may necessitate a Dr's note I am sure its efective but not correct to rely on often.
The morning-after pill

Written by Dr David Delvin, GP and own flesh and blood planning specialist

What is the morning-after pill?

The morning-after pill needs to be taken inside 72 hours after unprotected sex.

The morning-after pill stops you from becoming pregnant if contraception failed or wasn't used.

Although lots of populace talk going on for the morning-after pill, this term is certainly misleading. In reality, the pill works for up to 72 hours (three days) after sex.

But the faster you take it, the better: the morning-after pill works best if taken inwardly 24 hours of unprotected sex.

The medicine currently used within the UK is called Levonelle one step or Levonelle 1500. It contains a female-type hormone call levonorgestrel - which is one of the ingredients of several types of contraceptive pill.

Medical professionals will often telephone call it the post-coital pill (PCP) or emergency contraceptive (EC).

How does it work?

It's believed Levonelle works by:

preventing your ovaries from releasing an egg

altering the lining of the womb, so a fertilised egg can't embed itself here.

In Britain and many western countries it is regard as an emergency contraceptive, not an abortion-causing drug - it won't work if you are already pregnant.

Is it effective?

The morning-after pill is not 100 per cent impressive, but the failure rate is rather low. It's probably about 10 per cent, and a bit better than that if you take it as precipitate as possible.

Who is it useful for?

The morning-after pill is in a minute widely used by women who have have unprotected sex. In particular, it have proved of value to:

rape victims, who should insist they are given it (unfortunately, UK doctors who examine women own sometimes been slow to prescribe it)

couples who enjoy a condom break during sex

women who have be lured into having sex while lower than the influence of drink or drugs.

Is it dangerous to use?

Not at adjectives. If anybody tells you that it have 'lots of side-effects' or 'makes you really sick', don't believe them.

The older form of PCP used contained by the 1990s did often inflict nausea, but today's pill causes impressively little trouble.

You may feel a bit sick after taking it, but just about 1 woman contained by every 60 actually throws up.

If you do vomit in three hours of taking Levonelle, you should assume its effect has be lost, and get another one from a doctor or pharmacist.

Uncommon side-effects, which as a GP I've only just ever seen, include:


tummy twinge

breast tenderness

vaginal 'spotting' of blood


You can find more details roughly side-effects from the package pamphlet.

Is there anyone who shouldn’t thieve it?

There are some women who shouldn't take the post-coital pill. They include inhabitants with severe liver disease and populace with a hugely rare condition call porphyria.

But for nearly everyone, Levonelle is fine and most unlikely to cause any significant problems.

The herbal pills St John's wort reduces its value. If you take St John's wort, your doctor may want to prescribe a larger dose of the pill.

How do I take it?

1. From your GP

Most general practices will see you on the daytime you request the morning-after pill, but you must make it clear to the receptionist that the want is urgent.

If there is some difficulty contained by getting to see your GP, you can get Levonelle from several other types of doctor.

Medics at people planning clinics - if you need relief in finding one, christen the fpa on 020 7837 5432.

Doctors at youth advisory clinics or Brook advisory clinics for young culture - details from Brook on 08000 185023.

Doctors at university/college health centre.

Medical officers at genitourinary medication (STD) clinics.

Some private doctors, particularly at walk-in clinics within central London.

2. From your local pharmacy

You can very soon buy the morning-after pill from a pharmacy without need a prescription.

The downside is the pharmacy will make a charge for it, currently lb22. However, at hand are a few areas of the UK where special local arrangements enjoy been put surrounded by place to provide emergency contraception for free.

The pharmacist will have a fast chat with you first, to formulate sure you can take this drug safely and read between the lines what to do if it doesn't work. This is done discreetly, so don't worry that others will hear.

Not every chemist is prepared to do this work. To avoid delays, it's probably worth calling your local pharmacy first to check if they supply Levonelle short a prescription.

How do I take it?

Levonelle 1500 is the term for the morning-after pill on prescription

Levonelle one step is the one you buy over the counter.

Both are identical and contain one tablet per pack. Swallow the tablet straight away.

(This have replaced the old method of taking two lower strength tablets 12 hours apart.)

Any other warning?

Your next time of year may come early or delayed. If it doesn't arrive within a couple of days of the expected time, see a doctor.

The morning-after pill does not protect you from pregnancy for the rest of your menstrual cycle. So any abstain from sex or use a barrier method close to a condom.

The morning-after pill is not good at protecting against ectopic pregnancies, although these are in danger of extinction. If you get lower tummy throbbing or abnormal bleeding surrounded by the weeks after using it, see your doctor.

If it doesn't work, could the tablet harm the unborn newborn?

We simply don't know the answer to this question.

No research have shown any increase in abnormality among babies whose mothers took the morning-after pill. But past experience does show that other hormones taken within early pregnancy own harmed children.

Is there any other benign of emergency contraception?

It is possible to have a coil fitted after unprotected sex - but this is nowhere close at hand as common.

The assistance is that you can have the coil put contained by up to five days after having sex (though preferably earlier), and it continues to set aside protection against pregnancy.

The downside is only a minority of UK doctors own been trained surrounded by the slightly tricky business of fitting coils. So it could be quite difficult to find someone who can fit this device.

If surrounded by doubt, try a family planning clinic or a Brook advisory middle.
In Canada, it is not expensive at all, and you can find one from your pharmacist without a prescription. The sooner you pinch it the more effective it is, but it must be inwardly three days. I don't know how much they cost but they're certainly not close to 99% important. Then everyone would take them instead of birth control. It depends on how long after have sex you take it. It's more around 80%. After checking around it seem like the price vary but its certainly not more than $100 and I've see prices at $40.
I'm in England and i get one last week. It is free to Londoners (where i work) beneath the age of 29.

Although my friend had to capture one from the chemist in our home town of Bedford and it cost her lb25 so i focus it varies.

You cart 1 pill with some hose down and then you enjoy to keep it down for the subsequent 4 hours as if you are sick you have to pinch another one. It made me feel comparatively sick but i was okay.

I remember individual bored on the train home and reading the leaflet and it said that it is single 85% eeffective but i think that depends on how close you cart it to the incident happening.

It is best to clutch it asap.

Hope this helps.
step to a planned parenthood and gain can probably get it cheaper than the other prices mentioned...
and you can seize an exam, and get on birth you wont own to worry going on for taking a pill after you have sex.
planned motherliness...doesnt tell anyone you move you can get pills and your parents wont know
Not even the manufactuter will claim an efficiency rate higher than 89%. That's why it's recommended for emergency only---it's not nearly as effective as other forms of contraception. Free within Canada, but it's not 100% effective. Even a gun shot to the guide is not 100% effective... pretty close though...
I know general public that have used it. There's lone one way to know if it worked, is if you know firstly that you enjoy defiantly conceived. It's far better to use condoms and spermicide than to hold 'the pill' or morning after pill, as they are basically incredibly bad for one's robustness. They'll really affect your health defectively.
grab a coat hanger from your closet. 100% nouns rate

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