Cystitis grill?

I asked a question yesterday around a nip down below when I pee - like a cut or something. I hold had a few suggestions that it might be cystitis.

I don't show to be too graphic, but I am also experiencing this nip when doing a number 2. Does this arise with Cystitis? Are near any creams/treatments I can do to ease/cure it?

There does not seem to be any other sign of irritation - economically at least zilch visible that I hold noticed.

Answers:    If it is cystitis, after everytime you goto the toilet for a wee then it will really sting and when you touch you want to go but it is tight to go. You involve to make an appointment near your local GP, he will also giveyou tablets to treat the cystitis and he will also send you for bloods to check to see if you enjoy an infection.

Before you make an appointment beside the docs take a urine preview with you, preferrably the morning you are due to goto the docs.

I enjoy had it and he have not been competent to treat it, it comes and goes.
Could be herpes. cystitis is a urinary tract infection, so it shouldn't affect your number twos !
it should have a feeling like a sting when you pee but not when you do a number 2 i would turn and see a doc to be on the safe side best wishes

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