What does it suggest when...?
Answers: i think it happen with some associates when they first start having sex. But you may wanna check it out incase it an STD or something. Ignore the relatives who say its extent because i think youd know if you be on your period or not.
Period its sturdy for your body to adjust to his size. There can be only so much stretching up to that time you start bleeding.
Is it painful? How long ago did she start have intercourse? How close to the menses? Need more info. Could be anything from a residual hymen to cancer. You should get checked out though. I would obtain checked out by your doc cause it could be a quantity of things. I do every time with my hubby raison d`??tre my cervix gets irritated. but it is usually legally light. devout luck:)
sometimes its because you just started have sex. if thats not it, then you should walk see a doctor.