How do I gain more self confidence?

I am 13 and just moved to a new place (i move every 3 years or so) and i am really fun, cool, and love to do goings-on with friends! I don't have any friends however (just moved here about a week ago) but I am really shy around new relatives and adults! I dont know why, but i am. I would love to be more confident in myself but I don't know how to. So I guess my question is, how do I become more confident around ancestors so I can make new friends?

Answers:    You know that sense that you get when you do something you think you're apt at (even if you aren't really that good at it? Me...singing!). Take that feeling near you when you met new people. It'll bestow you confidence. You already know that you're fun and cool, so people are going to like you easily!

Join some clubs or activities in your nouns, because that's a great way to meet individuals. Since you both joined the club, you already know you have things surrounded by common, and it makes for a dutiful ice breaker!.
Coming from someone who used to be very shy herself, my best counsel is to "fake it til you make it". Dont be afraid of saw something uncool or worry yourself to death if one personage doesn't like you. The best way to construct friends is to take the time to understand someone else, consequently, naturally, they will want to know more about you. Ask question, and get involved in a club, and if you dont similar to what the school has to contribute, create your own! Good luck! Well the new school year is starting, you should procure involved in sports or clubs at your school, thats a great instrument to meet new inhabitants!

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