Taking the wrong gentle birth control.?

I just finished my length and I'm supposed to be starting my birth control again tomorrow except I just realize that I was given Tricyclen instead of Tricyclen lo. Should I miss my first pill and thieve them back or is it OK to devolution like that?

Answers:    Unless in that is something wrong with you robustness wise that made them switch you, keep hold of taking the pills until you are able to obtain them changed. Then once you get your alien ones, ask when you should start them. It is ok to change, but in general you change at pause of cycle, but you will need a backup method.
I be on Ortho Tri-Cyclen for three months. They made me extremely sick so they switched me to Loestrin24, which is a low dose and a completely different medication. I was fine, contained by fact, I feel a lot better. It manifestly won't harm you, it's really your choice of what make you feel comfortable. :) I would phone up the doctor and ask - if you've been taking it this long, all over again won't hurt you - but changing wager on to the Lo might mess up your cycle royally.

Just call and ask - it's probably happen before and they can report you what to do.

If you choose not to take the subsequent pill before calling, net sure you use a condom!

Good luck!
Did the pharmacy give you the wrong prescription, or did the doctor write the wrong medication? If the doctor messed up, ring the doctor first thing within the morning, and have them fix the mix-up. They can send for in the correct prescription to the pharmacy so you can pick it up one and the same day. If the pharmacy messed up, a moment ago take the pills to the pharmacy tomorrow and hold them switch them out. If you want to just lug the ones you have, give the name your doctor and check with them first that it's ok to bear a different pill than you usually do. From my understanding, Tricyclen have higher level of Tricyclen lo, and can have much more intense side effects. If your doctor put you on Tricyclen lo for a specific plea, he may not want you to take the different pill. If you do hold to skip a pill in proclaim to get this straightened out, cause sure to use a condom since your pill won't be protecting you.

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