Lower abdominal cramp resembling a sharp twinge and belatedly interval: could that be related?

For the last 3 or 4 days I enjoy been have lower abdominal pain resembling a sharp twinge (I'm guessing around the uterus area). It hurts when I walk, move, or sit down. I am also a bit late within my period, but the pregnancy examination was cynical... what could I possibly have?

Answers:    Contact you OBGYN ... it sounds resembling a kidney infection or a UTI i'd get checked out... i dont imagine it has to do beside the late time ... but who knows Good luck!!
Could absolutely be related.

A sharp twinge is commonly associated when a follicle in your ovary is releasing an egg. You might own a stubborn follicle. When this happens, it's call an ovarian cyst. Usually, they are quite safe, so to speak. They hurt, but usually resolve themselves without medical abet.

However, given that the pain have lasted more than 1 daytime, I strongly recommend you see a doctor. Some women have ovaries that are prone to cysts and are slightly painful. Birth control medication can back prevent these cysts and provide relief. I've be told that a ruptured cyst (sometimes those little buggers get fairly nasty) can cause internal bleeding. Please see a doctor. Expect she may dispatch you for an ultra-sound.
I'd see a doctor to make sure you don't enjoy an ovarian cyst. The doctor can do an ultrasound and an examination to see if anything shows up. Or the cramps could simply mean that you are getting geared up to have your spell. Also if the pain is excruciating, breed sure your doctor knows because women are not supposed to draw from a lot of backache during their periods. I have a late length and a sharp pain within my lower abdomen. I be at the doctor for anxiety medication, and they had me steal a pregnancy test because of the in arrears period and spasm, and because you couldn't take these particular pills if you were pregnant. So, they tested me, and it be negative. I be not pregnant. But a few weeks later, I still have not gotten my period, and I thought it be just because I be so stressed out and anxious that I wasn't getting it. But the cramping kept hurting, so I went to buy a home pregnancy examination, and it came up Positive! I couldn't belive it because I be just at the doctor getting tested near their hi tech equipment and the test be negative. So, I go back to the doc, told him again give or take a few the late spell, and the positive result at home, they tested me again, and sure enough, I be pregnant.!

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